Hi sweet M..
I'm L. P. I had what sounds like the same thing you did which popped out one side in the groin area at about 4-5 months with my 4th pregnancy. Lucky for you, it's caught early! I had 3 other Dr.s call it an enlarged lymph. Because nothing was done for so long, it was not so good...When my baby was 16 months old, it became an emergency,so I went to a specialist. I was having intestinal discomfort in that lower quadrent, and my whole leg on that side was going numb. The internist called it an inguinal hernia, sent me down the hall to a surgeon and he said, well, it's a femoral hernia and you need surgery NOW.
I am perfectly fine now, the hardest part was having 4 kids at the time and it was 2 weeks before Christmas! The scar is at the bikini line, and faded, I have no further pain, it's all in the past. It was not an easy recovery compared to childbirth, even a c-section. But you have nothing to fear with good support okay?
By the way, I was a doula for over 10 years and we can talk about the labor part more. Please write me if you want to and I'll give you my phone #. Perhaps when you are ready my suggestions could spare you some grief from what I learned the hard way!