I don't know if a midwife is going to be cheaper, but if you are looking at more healthful for you and your baby, then a midwife (or at least a CNM- certified nurse midwife) is the way to go. Some midwives deliver babies at home, and some in hospitals. A few hospitals have what is called a birthing center, but it is really a facade of natural birthing atmosphere, because in the end, the hospital rules and regulations still stand. IL has no free-standing birthing centers.
I had my first child with no insurance, a CNM who let me do a payment plan, and then I made payments to the hospital.
If you are looking for safe ways to have a homebirth, I highly recommend reading a lot of books and visiting natural birthing sites online (such as www.mothering.com and visit their forums.) Your birth is going to deeply affect you, probably more than the payments you will be making to whomever assists you in delivery. It is a life-altering event, and you want to make sure that you are getting what you want, aside from money, like a person you really feel comfortable and confident with and that you really trust. This is someone who is going to be there to be your advocate and help you when you are at your most vulnerable. It can be a gut instict thing, so trust your instincts! (You'll rely on those instincts a lot as a Mommy too, so start tuning them in!)
I changed midwives 4 times in my last pregnancy (two years ago) and finally decided on Hillary Brown Kieser. She was with West Suburban Midwives at the time, but now does homebirths and has her own business. You can find her on facebook or at www.gentlebirthcare.com
I hope this helps. I understand the $ part (I was a single mom barely making it for myself with #1) so if you have questions or need to vent, etc, just message me! It's a very emotional time, but remember that at the end you will be stronger for it!
Hope this helps some,