Dear M. K --- you do know, don't you- that public school provides excellent programs for children 3 to Kindergarden?????? You would call your local elementary school- tell them of your concerns and your suspicioun that there may be ''more to it'' - and they will tell you how to start the process. These programs are excellent- free, totally individualized and most people DON'T know they exist. There will likely be transportation provided - it will likely be a 4-=== half days a week program - with each classroom consisting of a small group of children ( 8---11) with an accredited teacher, a full time assistant for her- plus speech therapist and physical therapist staff who come into the room ( or have their own 'space' that the children go to-. DO MAKE TRACKS as the school year has only one month left - and you need to get the process under-way - but please do --- ( do I sound like a retired special-ed preschool teacher ???? That's me)
aka- Old Mom