At my son's montessori preschool we got
- Quarterly parent teacher meetings
-monthly newsletters, outlining the areas they were focusing on (arachnids, the human body, dinosaurs, the solar system, etc.), school happenings, upcoming important dates, "what we've been up to", field trips, etc.
- weekly folders with all of their work to take home
- daily conversations with the teacher at pickup time (pickup was a 30 min block, held in the playground... so you could come on the dot and let the kids play, or pick up right then... but there was always time for show'n'tell for the kids to show their parents what they've been working on but couldn't come home yet (like their bookworms stayed in the classroom... round circles were added to the worms for every book they read... as did longer projects that took several weeks to several months to complete like their Eric Carle art, or their lifesize human body made of butcher paper, yarn, egg crate for the spine, balloon for the stomach, tubes for the intestines, etc...complete with all the major bones, blood vessels, & organs, THAT one took 3 months), as well as time to talk with either of the teachers. All of us talked with the teachers every single day... from just small talk to behavioral stuff to academics to upcoming events.
So we were kept very involved. We knew what they we playing, reading, studying, & favorite "works", as well as favorite chores, friend issues, songs... we knew it all... and were encouraged to.
I know we were spoiled rotten by this school... and I wouldn't have had it any other way. They were utterly fantastic.