I did not privately bank because neither I or any of my kids have an unusual blood type. So I just donated the cord blood to the public bank.
I understand that private cord blood banking could be a good idea if I have a family history of genetic disorders or cancers that could benefit from a cord blood transplant.
I'm wondering if any of you know of any other benefits of banking privately?
Any light you could shed on the benefits would be appreciated.
Also, if we decide not to bank privately we will absolutely be donating it to a public bank. No sense it letting it go to waste when it can save someones life :)
Also, to the moms and dads looking for an unbiased source of great info on this topic:
publiccordbloodbanks . org
I did not privately bank because neither I or any of my kids have an unusual blood type. So I just donated the cord blood to the public bank.
I wanted to bank ours, but we couldn't afford it, nor did the hospital have the option of donation. I think it's a good idea if you can.
1. it is expensive to start and there is a yearly fee to continue to stor the blood.
YOu do now know if you or any family member will need it. Donate it to a public bank they will store it for free and if you need it you can get it.. unless it has already been used which id unlikely.
When my daughter was born we researched all options and asked many parents' opinions. The most interesting opinions came from the doctors in our OB practice. None of them said they'd privately bank cord blood. We donated it last time and will do so again next month.
we did it for both kids 12 and 10 years ago and never regretted the trouble or cost (even when money was very tight). Bord blood is liquid gold and makes us feel like we have insurance to help our own children and maybe even others in the future. We used CBR. Just received a newsletter about a family who used their second born's cb to treat sickle cell anemia for their first born with tremendouse results