As we grow up there are lots of things we do not like doing but still have to do them anyway. You don't want him to get turned off completely to doing stuff he doesn't like so make it fun for him and do it together.......
If you feel he is not ready to do a good job on brushing his own teeth at this point...then continue doing it for him but let him know you fully understand he doesn't like it. "I know you don't like it, and that's ok but it still has to get done so your teeth wont stand still, open wide so I can get it done faster".
Over the weekends when you have more time... you might want to start brushing your own teeth while letting him brush is own. See how it goes, he might not mind it so much if he's doing it himself. Make it fun...make silly finger pictures on the mirror with the tooth past to hold his attention...make silly faces. Play follow the leader with the brush while brushing...sometimes letting him be the leader. Be silly, and allow him to be long as the brushing gets done....he'll get better at it as he goes...
Do the same kind of thing with the chewables...Let him know you understand he doesn't like them and that's ok...
but the faster he chews one up the faster it goes...Study the chewables with him...ask him which colors he likes best...let him pick the one he'll chew that morning, also ask him to pick out one for you too...ask him to put it into your mouth, while you put his into his mouth...then say 1-2-3-CHEW, and then open your mouth to show him it's gone.. If his isn't gone...say Oh, come on No can do better then that. Chew- chew- chew, you can do it, you can do it.
If not these games, create your own silly stuff and see how it goes. My experence with little ones had always been good when I agreed with their feelings and then turned the given chore into being fun and silly, while doing that chore they didn't like with them.