Kim, As a labor and delivery nurse there is a huge difference between protein and ketones in your urine. If you haven't eaten for several hours your body will burn fat for energy which leaves ketones in your urine. Now, glucose is another thing alltogether, glucose challenge is to test on how your body metabolizes sugar (testing for gestational diabetes). In gestational hypertension your kidneys will spill protein in your urine, 12 weeks is very early for this to happen so your doctor will be watching you closely. At the end of your pregnancy if you do display symptoms in addition to the protein in your urine you would be delivered but obviously this is not possible at this time. If preeclampsia progresses to eclampsia you can have a seizure which is not good for you or your baby. So don't listen to people who don't have an understanding of what is going on, talk to your doctor. Find out what danger signs to look for: like sudden weight gain, swelling of hands and face, visual changes (spots in your vision), epigastic pain, severe and persistant headache. Check the March of Dimes website too. Good Luck!
It is important to drink at least 8, 8oz glasses of water every day to stay hydrated!