Pulsatile Tinnitus??

Updated on February 08, 2013
M.M. asks from Lexington, NY
9 answers

Hi everyone! I just want to know if someone has experienced what it is called pulsatile tinnitus. It started to hear this rythmic sound in my left hear about six months ago. I don't know what can it be...I'm also struggling with anxiety and depression right now, so I am terrified of what these noises mean. I am only 31, is it normal to have this? The sound is not very loud and it lasts for only 2-3 minutes (3-4 times a day). I am so afraid and I will go and see my doctor on Monday, but untill then, is there anyone who deals with such think?
I had my blood tests done and they turned out ok, so I don't know what causes this.

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answers from Washington DC on


Tinnitus is usually a symptom of something else going wrong in your body. Most likely high blood pressure.

Have your blood pressure checked. Get it under control and the sound will most likely go away.

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answers from Springfield on

My tinnitus comes and goes. I can pretty much count on it when I am congested, unfortunately. Though my poor husband has it all the time. White noise supports sleep.

I am pretty sure my doctor told me that once I had it, I would always have it.... And it's true it always comes back, but I don't have it at every moment.

BTW, I have very low blood pressure; My husband's vacillates between normal and on the higher side.

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answers from Sacramento on

Tinnitus is quite normal, however pulsatile tinnitus is another matter. You could be hearing your carotid artery or it could be an indicator of ear disease. Please ask to see an Audiologist and an ENT physician.

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answers from Austin on

Tinnitus can be caused by many things.... and it often goes unnoticed for a long time.

Listening to loud music in younger years can cause some of this, as can some medications.

I've had tinnitus for MANY years...... I first noticed it probably in my 30's..... (I'm now 55)... except the noise (high pitched ringing) pretty much goes on 24/7......

ETA: My blood pressure is usually normal... I've not been able to tie the noise into specific circumstances.

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answers from Boston on

It's very common and can be caused by a number of things, but hardly any of them are indicators of anything really serious. That said, it can be very annoying and disruptive. There's a lot going on in that tiny area of the ear, and so any disruption can cause tinnitus. Since you suffer from anxiety and depression, it makes all other ailments much harder to deal with. I have quite a few friends who've dealt with this, and there are some things you can do naturally and nutritionally. I mention that because, although I didn't have tinnitus, I did have clinical depression. I didn't have the anxiety, but have two friends who had that - one had it with depression and the other had panic attacks. I did the same things my friends did, and am now off my anti-depressants. So strengthening the immune system can help fix a lot of things that are wrong, no matter what area they are in. So there is help available!


answers from San Antonio on

Don't listen to Wild Woman in this instance. I've had tinnitus since I was 14. I've never had high blood pressure, ever, not even when pregnant. It doesn't mean there is anything else wrong. It's not a sign of mental illness or anything.

Go to the doctor and see if there's anything he can do to help it. My ENT told me that there are ways to fix it. They're still in the testing phases, but they're showing promise.



answers from Portland on

In the past 2 year (I'm 65) I have developed this. It has become quite persistent and intrusive; I can almost always hear my pulse now. But my basic hearing is still excellent, and I can still sort out the different sources of sound.

I've had blood tests and keep my BP under control with medication. Had my carotid artery scanned; it looks clear. Docs can't find anything wrong with me, but want to do a biopsy for Giant Cell Arteritis, an inflammatory illness, which is still a vague possibility. Look that up for more info.

I've also been able to SEE my pulse as a slight lightening/darkening of my visual field, for over ten years. It's gotten stronger, and could be another indicator of Giant Cell. But there's no treatment (anti-inflammatory) that I have been able to tolerate, so even if that diagnosis is proven, I can't do much about it. So I've never had the biopsy, which involves removing a length of artery from the temple, or sometimes both temples.

I sure hope you get some answers that help.


answers from Santa Fe on

I have had tinnitus since my 20s. It's constant though...both ears. I worked on an ice breaker which was very loud (going through the ice) and I worked on many boats (engine noise) and I am guessing that is what started it? Really I have no idea! There is not much one can do about tinnitus and they don't really know why people get it. I am used to it now but it is a bit annoying. I wonder sometimes if the constant sound makes me stressed out...or makes it harder for me to totally relax. I just live with it though. Let me know if you go to the doctor and they tell you anything useful about tinnitus...I'd love to learn more. From what I've read there is nothing you can do. I'll go read your other responses now! PS - I have very low blood pressure and am super healthy. I don't have a stressful life (so grateful!), and I'm a pretty happy person.



answers from Washington DC on

I second the advice to visit an ENT. They can perform certain tests that your regular dr. cannot.

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