I have never heard of pump resistance. My first child would not nurse, even with help from lactation consultants, so I pumped with her. I did find that even though I pumped at the same frequency, as she got older, my milk supply seemed to gradually decrease. I am nursing my second child and pumped as well for a while to have some extra milk. I also noticed that even if he was nursing the same number of times everyday, my milk supply has steadily decreased. Now I nurse him only a few times daily, and pumping became fairly unsuccessful, so I stopped. I figure I'll continue to breast feed him for up to a year twice daily, and then supplement the rest of his feedings with formula. That way I feel he at least gets some breastmilk each day. Have you discussed it with your ob/pediatrician? I am not familiar with fenugreek - is it a prescription or over the counter medication? I know a prescription called reglan (metoclopramide) supposedly increases milk production - but you'd have to speak with your doctor to get it. Unfortunateley there is lots of help to be found if one has quesios about breastfeeding, but almost none where pumping is concerned. Good luck! -JM