First, congrats on your new angel and may he gain quickly and come home soon! What pump are you using? Handheld pumps are only about 20-30% effective at emptying the breast and electric pumps are around 50-60% effective. Only the baby is 100% effective, but that time will come soon! :)
First let me ramble off a few things that can help your supply, then we will discuss how to get more from your pump. Eat oatmeal. Buy brewer's yeast (at any health food store) and sprinkle it into your everyday foods...scrambled eggs, oatmeal, meatloaf, chili, spaghetti sauce, etc... Brewer's yeast (no subtitutions!) and oatmeal are natural lactation boosters. Now for herbs (and please check with your doctor before taking any of these...some cannot be used with certain other meds or if Mom has a pre-existing condition like diabetes or seizure disorders) You can try fenugreek, blessed thistle, or goat's rue. Goat's rue helps you make more glandular tissue and will boost an already lactating Mom's supply. Fenugreek and blessed thistle are used by lactating Mom's to boost and also by adoptive Moms or Mom's trying to regain a supply that has diminished. They work well! You can use them all in conjunction (as long as your health is ok for them). Motherlove herbal company makes a Goat's rue tincture and a supplement called "More Milk Plus" that contains fenugreek and blessed thistle. These come in a tincture or a capsule. Here is the link.
Last but not least, you can always try medications. The first one is called Reglan and must be prescribed. The other is called Domperidone and isnt available in the US, but its success rates are huge and you can buy them online from in-house pharmacies in other countries. Thats only for desperate situations and yours sounds easily fixed, so I dont think you'll need to go that route!
Now for maximizing your pumping sessions. Massage your breasts before pumping, working downward toward the nipple. Have a picture of your baby nearby to help the milk ejection reflex (or let-down). Now pump. When it seems you are pumped dry, begin massaging your breasts again. Maybe take a warm compress to help your milk let down again. Now try pumping again, but this time while pumping, see if you can massage your breasts at the same time. This will be hard if you have a double pump, but you can either have your husband help you or make a "pumping bra" out of an old sports bra. Cut slits in them to hold the pump in place so you can pump hands free. Then your hands are availabe to massage! Once you feel you are "dry pumping" again, turn the pump off. Hold the breast cone and try to hand express your milk into it. You won't believe it, but you'll get a lot of milk this way! The pump can only stimulate so much before it stops working. But your hands can get much more! If you arent familiar with hand expressing please watch this video link I sent. Not only does it teach you how to hand express, but it explains why I am having you pump and express and how it will affect you supply, that was shown in several studies. It will help you so much and is one of the most valuable videos I have in my collection!
And finally, here are some more links about making more milk and what can help. Notice the first KellyMom link has several more links to click on at the bottom of the page to read and learn more!
And let me quickly remind you that the breast makes milk only when the breast is being emptied. So the more you can empty your breasts, the more milk you will make. This is why exclusively pumping can be so difficult because the pump just can't effectively empty the breast.
I really hope this helps and I have no doubt you'll be off and nursing your little bambino in no time! If you need any help or have any questions, please let me know. Good Luck Momma!
~Tara Breastfeeding Counselor and Mom of 3 breastfed babies, Buffalo NY
I forgot to mention how to up the fat content in your milk. Eat high fat foods such as eggs, avacado, olives, coconut, nuts etc... All healthy fats. I used to eat 2 eggs a day, add sliced avacado to my turkey sandwiches and eat macaroons! Ben and Jerry's ice cream is also very high in fat which is great (and tastes soooo good) but if you are trying to avoid eating high sugar, won't be a good idea. If you dont mind the extra sugar for now, stock up on some! What a fun way to increase your fats! This will help "bulk" up your milk and add calories so your bambino will gain quicker and come home quicker! Hang in there Momma...every day brings him closer to home!