Hi there!
I come from a LONG line of alcoholics! Both of my parents, my uncle, my grandfather. I have watched all their different patterns and how it effects each of their lives. My dad and his father before him were and are the raging alcoholics. Drinking bring out anger in them. My mother makes the wrong decisions while drinking. Like driving and losing her CDL then her job. She also meets her boyfriends at bars, so they are always drinkers as well and their relationships always end badly.
Anyways, the way to tell if you should be concerned about your husband is if he generally has an addictive personality. Meaning, does he easily get hooked on doing things? It could be anything - gambling, playing a sport, eating, spending money, fixing up a vehicle, etc. If the majority of the things your husband involves his self has become an addiction - then you should be very concerned and nip it in the bud!
Because of my parents I do have an addictive personality. Food, shopping on ebay, collecting things - I easily get out of control with. For that reason I rarely drink and quit smoking years ago. Once you realize what your "issues" are it is easy to watch yourself closely!
Lastly, addicts almost always say they HAVE to drink or do a drug for a reason! If you ask someone why they drink and their answer is I like to have a few occassionally to celebrate - you know they are in control. If you hubby says he needs it to sleep, buy him a bottle of Tylenol PM and tell him to try that. If he fights you over a simple solution - you should really seek help! It is also better to get his attention on the possible problem as soon as possible. People that have drank as long as my family - it is impossible for them to see the error. They feel they have lived life this long and it hasn't hurt anything so they are okay to drink.
I have been through a lot with alcoholics and am always available to chat! I know the entire thing is scary, so message me if you need anything!
Best of luck and stay strong!