Boy oh boy have i been there. Zoloft for me was one of the better medications, but you have to give your system awhile to get used to anything, i would give it a couple more weeks and see how you are doing, if you still feel spacey call your doctor there are other medications out there you could try or maybe you need to lower teh dose to something in between 25 and 50mg maybe go back to the 25 mg pills and do 1 1/2 pills a day, instead of a full 50mg. side effects are normal and one of the most common with any anti depressant is feeling drugged. good news it should go away. good luck, something else to consider if you are sufering from ppd, plenty of rest, a good diet, time outside or sun therapy with a sun lamp, as well as a vitamin suppliment, and exercise along with therapy can really help well. I went through this with all of my kids to some degree and actually have chronic depression, hormonal changes or incrediably stressful situations trigger an episode but i haven't needed medication in 4 years, becasue of all those things i mentioned above. good luck.