You've got a six year old, right? I just wouldn't do cap and gown pics for a six year old...
Hi all! Unfortunately my son's school doesn't deal with graduation gown set!!!! I plan to buy that and take him to the studio for the graduation pictures. What color do you suggest for the gown? How about the tessel and sash? Thanks!
You've got a six year old, right? I just wouldn't do cap and gown pics for a six year old...
This is high school correct. What are the school colors? If this is Kindergarten, caps and gowns not appropriate.
Why is kindergarten having a graduation?
Wait, how old is your son?
If the point of the pictures is to commemorate his graduation, he should be wearing whatever he'll wear to the ceremony. If his high school doesn't do caps and gowns for graduation (that would surprise me) then he doesn't wear a cap and gown in his picture.
If, as others have mentioned, you're actually talking about a kindergartener, then STOP it! He's not graduating!
Graduation gowns, and cords are academic regalia which carry specific meaning. People EARN the colored cords for accomplishments, and the gowns them selves are specific to the level of degree earned (the cut of sleeve tells whether it's a diploma, bachelors, masters, or doctorate). There is NO such thing as a kindergarten gown...
If you're set on doing this, who cares what you get him? Anything you do is a COSTUME... you may as well dress him up as an astronaut and pretend he finished the course at NASA... really.
Beyond being nonsensical, taking pictures in a cap and gown for a child who is NOT, in fact, graduating is just inappropriate.
Do they have school colors? I'd go with that. If this is something you are doing on your own, I like the white with a gold tassel for little ones.
usually it is what the rest of the class is wearing so everyone matches.
Well his high school has colors? Use those as a guide.. Otherwise, traditionally they are black robe with white collar.. And the tassel is white..
You can also rent the gowns so you do not have to purchase one.. Or ask the studio if they have some he can use..
Is this for your 6 year old?
My son is graduating from high school and his cap/gown/tassel is very much regulated by the school colors, etc.
They are willing to rent caps and gowns, but the students must still purchase their tassles.
If your son's school doesn't deal with the graduation gown set, it sounds to me like you are putting the cart a bit before the horse. Many kindergarten classes do not have formal ceremonies.
If you want to buy the graduations set, make sure it goes with the school colors and hire a photographer on your own. You have every right to do that.
But, I wouldn't send your son to school in the only graduation get up if that is not what the rest of the school is doing.
You can ask the school what their colors are and go from there. Have a private photo shoot and let your son go in regular clothes on "graduation" day.
I, personally, think that all the pomp and circumstance for kindergarteners is ridiculous. Our schools do 8th grade graduation and award ceremonies prior to entering high school, and then high school award ceremonies and graduations for the high school graduatates.
You can do anything on a personal level that you care to. However, most parents won't go to those lengths if the school is not on board with formal kindergarten graduations.
Just my opinion.
My daughter is graduating from High School and this will be her first cap and gown. I think we've gone off our rockers with all the "graduations" in school. Our schools hold "graduations" from 5th and 8th grade. I'm chairing the 8th grade ceremony for my youngest daughter and proposed we call it a Recognition ceremony instead of a graduation. Unfortunately, I was overruled because the schools admin felt that this may be the last graduation some of the students ever reach. Pathetic! Save the cap and gowns, pomp and circumstance and fancy diplomas for an achievement that will make our students employable. Sorry, I'm stepping off my soapbox.
Why on earth do you want to have fake graduation pictures made? Are you going with yellow cords so you can claim he was the first kindergartner inducted into the national honor society?
Completely laughable.
If it's an independent one that is not associated with an elementary school then you could do black with gold sashes, dark blue with gold sashes, any primary color that looks good on various skin tones. For instance.....if you picked orange a lot of kids wouldn't look good. But a dark primary color usually looks good on every skin tone.
well, looking back over your previous questions....are you talking about your 6yo?
if so, forget the cap & gown! Enjoy the graduation ceremony with your child's peers....& leave it at that.
High schools, at least ours, are very picky. Everyone has an identical cap/gown and tassel. The sashes are distributed from the school for the students who are graduating with distinction.
The boys wear black pants/black shoes and girls wear a dress with closed toe black shoes
If this specific dress code is not followed, you don't walk for graduation.
Its customary to do school colors with a tassel that has the year of graduation on it... though, honestly, why you would go through that expense is beyond me. A really great senior picture would be a better option in my mind. Any money I don't have to spend is a good thing, in my mind.
Our pre-school did something like this when they graduated to Kinder. The school had a set of caps and gowns that they let the kids borrow for the 30 mins ceremony, but there was not a graduation ceremony after Kinder, because they weren't leaving the elementary school.
If you really want a Kinder grad pic, whatever the school colors are, use the darker color. Ex. my kids colors are green and white, so I would choose white. Middle school colors are purple and gold, so that would be purple. HS is blue and gold and the gowns are usually blue.
Have you actually called the school and confirmed this? I have never heard of a high school not having a contract with a photographer, because they photograph everyone for the yearbook, regardless of whether they buy photos or not.
Maybe if it's a small, private school it's different (?) In that case I would go with the school's colors. Our school colors are green and white, the girls wear white and the boys wear green.