Question About Marina IUD

Updated on November 18, 2010
J.T. asks from Kent, WA
5 answers

Ok so on September 4, 2008 I had my son. It was a c-section and at that same time I had a Marina IUD put in place. So as of now I have had it in for over 2 years. At first, I had bleeding for what seemed like forever. But I have not had my period in over a year. But I try to take at least 1 pregnancy test every month, if not 2. They all come out negative. I have very rare bleeding that only lasts not even a whole day. I have lost weight but I have the mood swings and cravings. Could I be pregnant? or is it just normal. I watched the show "I didnt know I was pregnant" on the TLC channel and they had some of the same symptoms. I know that with the IUD there is a chance of having an eptopic pregnancy. I have heard that if it is an eptopic pregnancy it wont show up on the pregnancy test...( meaning the test will come out negative). I was just curious on what everyone thinks...... should I be worried or no?

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answers from Seattle on

About 20% of women on Mirena will stop getting a period. An even larger percentage will experience very light and short periods. I stopped getting a period about 2 years into it and love it.
Most ectopic pregancies will show up in a home pregancy test, actually most ectopics are discovered because there is a positive test, but no embryo in the uterus.
But if you are concerned, yes, you should consult a doctor.
Good luck!

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answers from Chicago on

I would reevaluate the Mirena, actually.
I debated FOREVER between Mirena and Paraguard. There are tons of message boards out there from women posting side effects that turned out to be due to the Mirena that are never advertised. Most of the feedback says that these "symptoms" kick in after 2-3 years, so no one ever considers that it might be the IUD.
Seriously, some of them are scary.
Of the basics:
Violent episodes
Unexplained weight gain

Google it. Most people found that it took removing the IUD for their problems to correct.
I'm not saying that you're case, but I would look at it seriously if you're getting negative tests.
You might have it taken out for a month or two and see how you feel.

I personally chose Paraguard after reading all of that.


answers from Philadelphia on

i think everyone responds differently to the hormones. but personally, i LOVE my mirena.

i've had it since may 2009; and bled for about 2 months in the beginning an haven't had a period since oct 2009. i take a pregnancy test monthly just to make sure all is well, but so far i'm pleased.

i also have had some mood-related issues with hormonals (primarily the nuvaring) but overall, it has settled a bit with mirena.

also, an eptopic pregnancy will most times still test positive. the pregnancy hormone is secreted in urine even if the pregnancy is outside of the uterus.

because we don't have the periods as a sign of pregnancy to help us out, i would continue to test every month, and if you have concerns go see your doc.

but i think you're fine.



answers from Dallas on

If you are that concern just go to the doctor real simple. This will put your mind at ease.



answers from Yakima on

I love my Mirena specifically because I have NO period!! No mood swings, no weight gain, it's like being a guy, lol.

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