Question for Moms Who Wear Glasses

Updated on March 08, 2012
S.M. asks from Denton, TX
21 answers

I have a 14-month old boy and I cannot get him to quit snatching my glasses off my face. I tell him no and try to take them back if I can get them before he throws them on the floor. I have contacts, but prefer not to wear them everyday because they are expensive and sometimes dry my eyes out. I really can't see anything without them so walking around the house without them is not an option. How do you keep your babies from grabbing your glasses? Or am I just out of luck until he gets a little older?

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answers from Kansas City on

he's not getting the "no" message. he's not stopping because the message isn't getting across. be firmer. put him down as soon as he touches them. tell him "NO" in no uncertain terms and give him no attention for a minute when he does it.

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answers from Portland on

My granddaughter grabs at my glasses. I know she'll do and so I hold her at a bit of a distance from my face. When she starts to reach for them I grab her hand and say no and then I immediately divert her attention to something else.

When you pick her up or are near her hand her a toy. And consistently every time she reaches for the glasses physically stop her. Be firm and put her down if just handing her something doesn't work.

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answers from St. Louis on

I do not want to hurt your feelings....

honest, honest answer: be in charge & don't let him. Do whatever you have to do to be in control of his actions against you.

Been wearing glasses for 35+ years now.....this is not an issue for me. It wasn't with my own kids....& still isn't with my daycare kids. All kids know that I mean business.....

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answers from Los Angeles on

Unless you can easily afford to replace broken glasses you need to make him understand now that it's not OK to touch your glasses, not even allow it to get to the point you have to try to take them back from him.

When my little guy was 12 months I started telling him "No, you don't touch my glasses!' in a firm voice. If he went for them again he went into his pack n play or crib a couple of minutes and when I took him out I said, "You don't ever touch my glasses, OK?" and would kiss and hug him and let him go back to playing. I never smiled or acted like it was cute or no big deal (hey, they're expensive!) and did the same if he went for anyone else's glasses. He got it really quick, and even at almost 3 he won't even touch my glasses if I've set them down where he can reach them, he'll say, "Your glasses!" and shake his head "no" ; )

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answers from Washington DC on

Tell him NO, firmly and if he continues, put him down. If he reaches for them, warn him "no, don't take glasses" and then if he does it, put him down. My DD soon figured out that game was no fun.

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answers from Missoula on

I would try putting him down for a moment EVERY time he grabs for them.

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answers from Washington DC on

sadly. I think you are out of luck! My son did the same thing. Maybe if you get a fake pair and let him try them on his curiosity will be satisfied. I nvr tried but who knows.

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answers from Austin on

I would ell her a firm "no" and put her down. Or I would pick her up not facing me.. She eventually got bored with it.

My mom used to blow in her face and say no..

For a redirection you can always place something in your child.s hands before you pick them up..

Or you can add a chain or ribbon to them so your child cannot get it over your head.

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answers from Chicago on

A swat at the hand and a firm NO! These are mommy's you can not touch them.

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answers from Dallas on

If it becomes obnoxious, I just put them up high until their urge to grab is over then I'll put them back on. It wasn't worth it to me to try and make my kids stop grabbing at my glasses, I had bigger issues to deal with.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I swat and say no, I make a growl sound, I put him down. I make it a big deal to put them back on, and say "MOMMIES NO NO ________" Then I ignore his crying for a little bit. After a few minutes I will pick him back up and cuddle and kiss and say "mommies glasses" its gotten better but he still will do it if I stare at him or come at him while he is playing. Its kinda a phase. My girls did it for a few months as well, but once they get the idea its not cool, they eventually quit.

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answers from San Francisco on

At that age, no one's glasses were safe in my house. I also had to stop wearing earrings. All the stern "No!"s in the world weren't going to stop her from trying to rip any jewelry off my body. They grow out of the snatching phase but really, the only way to make it stop in the meantime, without traumatizing him, is to put them out of reach and suffer with contacts until he can understand why he shouldn't touch your glasses. He doesn't understand right now and won't until he's older. The time will fly by fast and you'll be back to wearing your regular glasses in no time.

This is why mothers of young children always seem so disheveled. Kids can rip up your look in three seconds flat.

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answers from Jacksonville on

Both of my kids would reach for mine, but I just told them "no" firmly, or "you can't have those" or "that's not a toy" or whatever. But you can't laugh at it, smile at it or give any encouragement that it might be "cute" from the get go. I never did, and it lasted a VERY short period of time. They just knew that it wasn't a game I would play and they would get put down if they didn't leave them alone.
Now, if you have other family members (like grandmas or grandpas) who also wear glasses and coo and laugh and find it amusing and adorable, then you are going to have a more difficult time getting them to understand. I guess there are some benefits, after all, to not having any family close by. We never had to worry too much about other members of the family "teaching" our kids bad behaviors when they were toddlers!

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answers from Dallas on

This is why I went to wearing my contacts every day :) But what I did in the meantime was everytime my daughter's reached for my glasses I put them down. I gave them a "5 minute" time out from me holding them. I would also have a spare pair of play glasses (toy glasses, sunglasses) something I could switch out for my own glasses. This is definitely a phase but you need to get your point across. If you are anything like me I can't go 5 minutes without my glasses. And God forbid something happen to them and they break!

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answers from Phoenix on

My kids tried this and I knew I needed to pick my battles....and I wasn't picking this one. So I chose to wear my contacts everyday. They like snatching and wearing my sunglasses, so I buy the cheapy $5 ones.

Good luck!

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answers from Norfolk on

I wear my contacts every other day. I got my children sunglasses they can wear and tell them no every time they take my glasses. (My twins are 17 months old.) Discipline is still pretty difficult at this age and getting the idea to stick.... well, just stick with it. Good luck.

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answers from New York on

I 14 month old should be able to understand NO. Whatever technique you use to keep him from touching other objects should be used for your glasses.

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answers from Seattle on

I just wanted to wish you luck. My dd is also 14months and thinks it is funny. I can tell her no touch on anything other thing and she follows what I say. My glasses though are a different story. Heck, she doesn't even go for my husband's glasses. He just started wearing them also. I have always wore my glasses. I wish I could wear my contacts but I get little blisters on my upper eyelid on the inside that catch on the contacts and makes them very uncomfortable to wear. Hope you get through this phase not needing repairs!



answers from Los Angeles on

My 2 y/o loves to grab my glasses. I've given up. She stretches them out, I just tighten them and wash them. She actually broke them once I had to superglue them back together. Luckily her attention span is short so I usually get them back after a minute.



answers from Kansas City on

Yeah, it's just going to go on for a little bit. Eventually he'll move out of this game, but until then you'll have to have quick fingers and continue using 'no'. Also, if you are holding him when he does it immediately put him down every time so that he understands that this behavior will not allow him to be in your lap, cuddling, being carried, whatever.


answers from Rochester on

As "strong-willed" as my youngest was at that age, for some reason, she never really tried it. Now that she's almost two she seems to think it's funny, but I just swat her hand and say "No, those are mommy's. They are NOT for baby," and she quits. My oldest never even tried!

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