I have a GREAT recipe for this. My daughter left a red and green crayon in her pocket - and it was a wash of khakis, etc (lighter clothes). I debated pitching everything, as it was ALL over the clothes. I searched online, found this recipe and figured it couldn't hurt. I couldn't believe my eyes - EVERYTHING came out in the first wash, it was unbelievable!
2 max amounts (line 3) of concentrated Tide (or generic)
1 cup Oxiclean
1/2 cup 20 mule team Borax
1 cup Shout liquid
1 cup white vinegar
Depending on the clothes, wash on hot or warm. I filled the washer and let them soak for about 20 minutes - you could actually see the stains coming off, it was amazing. I'm not sure you HAVE to presoak, but it definitely worked.
Here's the link to the discussion about this!
Good luck!