I got the compound w wart removal kit. The one that has the liquid and the freeze thing. It works just as good for skin tags.
Anyone know how I can safely remove a skin tag I developed on my chest during my pregnancy? Most of them all fell off after my son was born but this one has stuck around and is becoming annoying. My son likes to pick at it while he nurses and I'm afraid one day he'll pick it right off and I'll start bleeding everywhere. Any advice?
Many of you suggested I snip it off with scissors, clippers, or pull it off with string which, although seem to make sense, make me a little queasy. A lot of you suggested I go to a doctor's office which I think I just may do (because I'm a wimp!). Thank you all for your great advice. I love that I get such practical suggestions from other women who've had the same questions I've had.
I got the compound w wart removal kit. The one that has the liquid and the freeze thing. It works just as good for skin tags.
Hi B.,
We got rid of one on my husbands neck by just taking a piece of string (sewing kind) and tying a knot around it. It fell off in two days. No scar.
Hope this helps!
: )
A doctor can put stuff on it to make it fall off but it will not happen over night. If you want to tie a thread around it at the base, it will hurt a bite because you need to pull the thread tight.If you have it tight enough you will notice it starting to dry up in a day or so. To keep you son from pulling on it put a small band aide or 1st aide tape over it.
I agree with the "tying it off" method. That is how a doctor removed one on my niece.
hi B., I use manicure sisors. Then apply acolhol, it burns for a couple of seconds and that's it. J. L.
Hi B.,
I have skin tags all over my neck and have to remove them on a regualr basis. If your skin tag is large, tying thread around it will cut off the blood supply. This is good. Tie it tight, a bit uncomfortable at first, but it goes away. It will dry up and drop off. No kidding!
If it's too small to tie off, use clear calamine lotion. It has drying properties. Swab it on with a cotton ball several times a day and leave it alone. In a short period of time it will dry up and you can pinch it off without any pain or blood.
Sounds too simple to work, but trust me both of these methods are tried and true. Wish I didn't have so much experience in removing skin tags. :-)
Good luck.
Hi B.:
i just had 17 moles and tags removed from my old bod! I had a very large on my breast that i was worried about. The procedure is simpley done in the doctors office with the insertion of a numbing medication and then he snips them off and stitches them if needed. A week later i was back to have the stitches removed. All of the removals were sent off for biopsy testing and negative all of them. Yes, catch them early and have a doctor do the removals. Congratultions on the new little babe.
Hi B.
I have skin tags and went to the doctor to have them removed. She used a razor blade to remove them and left a mess so now I just use a small pair of scissors and remove them myself and I don't have a mess. Just be sure that the scissors are clean. I use food grade hydrogen peroxide to clean the scissors and the area that I will be removing. All the best.
My sister had them removed by a Dr. he took a scalpel and removed it without medication. She didn't feel a thing and had a bunch. I had one. Knowing her experience, I did it myself with a cuticle cutter. I know, it sounds awful,but it worked!
Yup. Swab it with alcohol or peroxide, then snip it off with your cuticle sissors. Then put on a bandaid, if needed. By the way, this is not only what I have done, but what my doctor does when he gets them as well.
Hi, I use alcohol and then cut it off myself. they do bleed & hurts a wee bit but it is much less hassle and expence than going to a doctor. C.
Hi B.,
It's L. again...would you kindly respond to new e-mail address..."____@____.com". I'm trying to change my e-mail address on this website. Thanks, L.~*
My sister in law removed 3 of mine by pulling a hair from my head and tying it around the base of the tag. They all fell off within a few days! No pain, no bleeding, no docs.
I'd have a doctor do it, as you don't want to risk serious infection and end up in a bad place.
Quick office visit and your doc will snip it off. I had a few removed after my pregnancy. Seemed I could do it myself, but one required a stitch so I don't recommend trying it. They bleed like mad. The other way I know of takes longer, but works too. My friends mom worked at a plastic surgery office and she said to tie it off at the base with string and it will cut of the blood supply shrivel up and die! It can take a while though and does not seem as sanitary to me. Good luck.
a dermatologist can remove it very easily
I had them removed from my esthetician for very cheap. I probably should have gone to the doctor, as you should, but I was lazy.
I had one from my pregnancy and had the doc remove it...
Some of mine came off right away, a few others took longer. I just waited it out. Congratulations on your son. I'm an older first-time mom too. It's pretty wonderful!
My husband has skin tags. His doctor said they are easily removeable. All you need to do is get a pair of nail clippers and clip it off. Should not hurt or bleed.
I had several removed by my primary physician. He froze them off with liquid nitrogen, which is what they use to removed moles. It was not painful, and is very quick. I think doing it yourself could be very painful.
When I was a child, I remember my granny had many skin tags and would remove them herself with black surgical thread ( I think you can find this at a sewing store or maybe Walmart or Target). She would tie a knot around the skin tag with the thread and then it would pop off. Kinda gross but it always worked for her.