Hi S.,
When you say he is resistant to writing what exactly do you mean? My son has a written expression learning disability called dysgraphia. It is like the written version of dyslexia. His hand writing is really poor and his thoughts are very disjointed on paper. It takes him an extraordinarily long time to translate his thoughts to paper. If you were to ask him a question about any given subject, he could give you an articulate verbal answer. He could not, however, translate that same answer to paper. He was diagnosed toward the end of his 4th grade year.
As a result, he hates testing and homework. When he was younger, getting him to sit down and do his homework was like pulling teeth. He always found other things that needed to be done and was a master at creating distractions in order to get out of his work. He is in highschool now and it has become a time of trial and error on how to help him cope and compensate, since we have entered an era of research papers and essay questions. He is easily overwhelmed.
So, I guess what I am asking is, could there be more to it than just unwillingness?