I just made one for my little one. It was really simple, basically free, because I used what I had in the house, and has been SUPER effective! All you need is a piece of cardboard, some colored paper, a clothes pin, a couple of cups or jars and some stones, marbles or something like it.
I used three pieces of card stock and used my printer at home. On a green sheet I printed the words "Good" "Great" and "Awesome!" in big bold print (I could only fit these three words per sheet. I think I used like 90 font). On yellow I printed "Good Morning" and "Warning". On blue (I would have used red, but I didn't have any) I printed "Not So Good" "Bad" and "Very Bad". I also printed (on plain white paper) "Katelyn's Behavior". I cut a piece of cardboard out that was the width of the paper and long enough to fit all the words and glued the papers onto the cardboard. From top to bottom it reads "Katelyn's Behavior, Awesome!, Great!, Good, Good Morning, Warning, Not so good, Bad, and Very Bad.
Each morning my daughter puts her pin on "Good Morning". As the day goes on, she has to move her pin up or down depending on her attitude or behavior. Half the time all I have to do say, "Do you want to move to blue?" and she straightens up! If she moves up to "Great!" or "Awesome", she gets to put a stone from the big jar into her little jar. If she finishes the day on Awesome, she gets an additional stone. If she moves down to Bad or Very Bad, she loses a stone. She HATES losing stones! When she gets up to ten stones, she gets a little treat. When she fills her jar up, we're going to Chuck E Cheese!