My son loves his dirt bike. 4 year olds can ride them....and did you know they can have training wheels put on them? They are so much fun.
Hi! My 6 year old son had such an awesome time with a friends motorized vehicle I would like to find him a used one for his birthday. The problem was he barely fits on the thing! Any suggestions? Is there a brand that is bigger than others? No, I am not ready to get him (ever) a real 4 wheeler :) Just something to play around the yard this summer.
My son loves his dirt bike. 4 year olds can ride them....and did you know they can have training wheels put on them? They are so much fun.
Hi J.,
We bought our son a razor 4 wheeler. I ordered it from Walmart's website and it was delivered to our house. My son is going to be 9 next week and he still has a blast on it. We bought it for him last year. It's electric, so it's quiet and it's easily recharged. He rides around the neighborhood, yards, empty house lots, etc. He and his friends love it. It's good for up to at least 100lbs. So he'll be able to use it for awhile.
you could try a motor scooter, they also have little 4 wheelers, and 3 wheel motor cycles. My daughter was able to ride her motor cycle until she was 10 years old. Go to a resale shop or a kids resale shop and ask how often they get those in then ask to be put on the list to get one. Benfit is your helping another family out with saling theirs and your buying one for less then full price. Your son will only see that he has a new toy so everyone wins.
Good luck
anything Peg Perego...the battery life is much better then anything out there.
My son and nephew played on a cousins 4 wheeler this weekend, of course they are only almost 4 and almost 5, but they both weigh 40 pounds and its a 2 seater, we plan on buying my son this for his birthday, they have it at walmart for almost $300, the best thing to do is look around, and watch the weight limits, my kids have alot of battery opperated ride ons, but they out grow them in height faster then weight, just check it all out, if you know some one who has one try it out on him to see if you think he will be out growing it anytime soon. Good luck, hope your son has fun, my kids love them!!! Oh, and if you acctually let the battery run completly down before you charge it, then your batteries will last longer, my son has a deigo jeep he got for christmas, we let him play on it that day (the batt. comes slightly charged), and have only had to charge it once that night since.
You might check into a 50cc motorcycle. Its small enough for a small child and yet NOT powerful enough to do any damage. And depending on the size of your backyard, he can ride it where there's plenty of dirt and grass.
Most sport motorcycle places sale them. Jon Lundsford?? Honda on 45 and West road sales them. And another place on 1960 and Perry road area. Good Luck!
We have the Peg Perego four wheeler (which isn't really a four wheeler). It's big and can fit two 6 year old boys easily on it. It's fast, but not too fast. We have ours wear a helmet still, tho. We have another friend that has one that looks exactly the same, but it is a different brand (not sure of the name). We got ours on Amazon.com and got free shipping.
We're looking at go carts for my 5yo step daughter. She wants a 4 wheeler but she is very very small for her age and a chicken so I know it'll be waste of money, plus I feel safer with her riding in the go cart, its closer to the ground.
I figure the go cart might be a good investment seeing as she'll have a little brother coming up behind her and you know how boys are with their motorized toys!
You can find the little Hot Wheels, battery powered four wheelers for kids that would be good for around the yard. My best friend had one for both of her kids and to this day (three years later) they still love to get on them and troll around the yard. Or you can go with the smaller four wheelers from like Yamaha or something like that. But if you are anything like me, they go a little too fast for my taste for my kids. LOL
Santa brought my girls the barbie 4 wheeler.. it is really small, but my 7 yr old son loves it. I regret that Santa didn't bring him one- they make a bigger size- even walmart carries them though I think they are closer $200- I believe it is a kawasaki.
My 13 yr old wants a 4 wheeler- my best friend of 20 yrs lost her son a year ago this month to an accident. It is so hard -- My friend's son was a freak accident so he wasn't showing off- he was in 2nd gear. Accidents can happen anywhere- geez in our own car pulling out of our own drive, but it is still hard for me to give in on that one just yet.
I don't think the bigger one at walmart goes that fast...I think it still has plastic wheels and it charges on a battery.
Good luck.
Toys R Us has this great little blue motorcycle. It is electric and my 5 year old loves it. It fits him perfectly. It cost about $200. I like it so much better than all the jeeps and stuff we have bought in the past.
I'm really sorry for being so blunt - but why would a parent ever want to get a kid - especially a six year old one - a motorized vehicle? First of all - kids that age need to run and use their bodies. Isn't America always accused of having the most overweight children? It begins by promoting the use of motorized vehicles. I'm not saying they are never good - because i think it was great he had a unique opportunity that offered such a great, memorable time. But in my opinion - it should remain just that - a unique, opportunity - not an everyday thing. Just my opinion.....
My son just turned 7 and is still riding his Escalade we bought it at walmart and it's bigger and will hold up to i think its 120-150pounds. My son is tall for his age most people think he is around 9 and he and my 2yr old daughter ride in it all the time. He loves it, it was a little expensive though I believed we paid $287 but it was well worth it.