See a chiropractor immediately and keep going to her/him. You will have a good delivery and a pain free last six weeks if you do.
I'm 34 weeks pregnant with my 3rd pregnancy and while picking up toys my tailbone started to really hurt (it never has hurt before) followed by sudden heaviness in my lower abdomen and right leg numbness and pain like when you have restless legs. What could this be? Tailbone pain is random for me.
See a chiropractor immediately and keep going to her/him. You will have a good delivery and a pain free last six weeks if you do.
H I.,
Principled Chiropractic care will definitely help. Not only you but your little one. If you don't have one or know one go to www.ucspine.com and find one in your area. I always advise that you interview them thoroughly. Hopefully you will have a long term relationship with them so thy can help you after your delievery and into your childs life. I go to the largest pediatric chiropractic center in the south. Theamazing things they can do for pregnancy and childhood issues is amazing!
God bless and congratulations!
The baby could have descended into your pelvis aka engaged her head. When my eldest engaged/descended//dropped I had tailbone pain from the bruising. I would rest for a while on your left side to try to ease the numbness and get your blood pressure back up. Drink liquids. Call your OB/midwife to let them know about the numbness and pain in case they want to see you, and just tell them what happened.
Have you ever heard of a cranial sacral massage therapist. Basically it is a massage therapist with a specialty. Good ones are hard to find but I have an excellent one that really helped me out of a particular situation. They are a "soft" massage which won't hurt you or the baby but it really does wonders. I recommend them highly. I know one in Hillsboro that is excellent or you can go online and look.
I haven't gotten the numbness yet but sometimes do the tailbone pain. I chalk it up to do too much in one day but I'm not sure. I'd ask ob for sure and that's also what I'm going to do. Good luck!
I had sciatica in the last several weeks of my pregnancy. Also, I broke my tailbone when I was younger and mine killed around the same time as the sciatica. The doc told me that it was totally normal by that late date because the baby was getting heavier and could also be starting her descent.
The baby is probably sitting on your sciatic nerve. Happened with me both times and is very common. A maternity support belt can help, also sleeping with a pillow between your knees. I would also get massage and see a chiropractor. All of these helped me but it didn't actually go away until the baby was born! Again I recommend dr. Ray Sicilia in Spokane, he has a wife and children and is comfortable treating both pregnant women and kids.