I had a c-section with my daughter 3 years ago, and experienced the SAME issues. I remember specifically because we were in the middle of moving when she was 2 months old, and packing/unpacking boxes was unbearable.
I too went to my OB, who explained that in a c-section, they actually have to perform 3 separate incisions, one on the skin, another on the fascia (or abdominal muscle wall) and lastly on the uterus, and that all heal differently and some take longer than others. She said that the incision on the fascia takes especially long to heal and that was the reason I was experiencing pain and pulling sensations while doing certain movements. She recommended that I take it easy, and that within 6-9 months it would fully heal. She was right.
Continue to take the ibuprofen for pain, but in reality the best remedy is to rest and not stress those abdominal muscles until they've had a chance to heal and reform.
Best of luck,
(hoping to avoid another c-section this week!!!)