My daughter just had a similar experience. We just got called yesterday to tell us that our unborn baby (it is her first child and my first grandchild) has fluid on the brain. She has a perfectly healthy body, and is very active. All other tests were good.
Although we were scared and upset initially, what we decided to do was get all of the "medical" terms for the condition that the baby has, and had the doctor spell them for us (as with most medical words, this term was long and impossible to say much less spell) We then researched the condition on line and read as much as we possibly could.
We have also been praying alot. I believe in prayer, I have seen many miracles in my life. We could have a perfectly healthy baby, the condition may correct itself.
We could have a baby with severe retardation. That is the reality. I believe that knowledge is power and we need to educate ourselves about the conditions as much as possible.
We know that she is healthy, so we are grateful for that.
She may have Down Syndrome or some form of learning disabilities. We are going to prepare ourselves for the worst outcome and then rejoice if she has no problems. You have to remember that even with all of the doctors and science that we have today, nothing and no one knows for sure what is going to happen with your baby, only God. My suggestion would be to pray for strength and peace, as well as the health of your baby. Your Heavenly Father loves you and he will watch over you and give you strength no matter what the outcome is.
I hope I have not offended you in any way with my Faith.
Prayer is a powerful tool when you need real help.
God bless you and your wonderful children,