Hi N., I was 35 and pregnant for my second. I did have the tests done. At 37 I was pregnant again, I did not have the tests done. The first time I did them for my husbands sake, but I didn't want to have them done, I have seen too many women with false positives and then they stressed for weeks until they had an amnio. I am a stressed out person anyway, so for me, I didn't want to know unless I was going to abort if there was a problem. I knew that I wasn't so I didn't have them the second time. I can deal with anything once it happens but will worry constanstly until it does.
Everybody is different and you need to do what you are comfortable with. The false positives are relatively high (I think), but I would recommend against an amnio unless completely necessary. The risk to the fetus is 1 in 200 with an amnio and that is why they don't just do them on everyone. They only do them if the other tests show a positive.
Good luck with your decision. Remember you are the one who has to live with the decision, decide what you are comfortable with and don't be swayed by doctors or anybody else. I recommend prayer for big decisions like this. Have a great week-end.