If you stay out of it... how will you feel when she has a traumatic birth experience because of a forced upon her 'emergency cesarean'? I WISH I had a knowledgeable woman or Mother tell me to watch "Business of Being Born", to read "Pushed", "Silent Knife - the Truth of Cesareans and VBACS" BEFORE I gave birth!!!
My birth story is so common... I trusted the medical Drs to know everything, trusted every lie they told me, wasn't sure I could refuse anything, was given intervention after intervention... even when I was crying to them how afraid I was a cesarean may be needed and that was the most frightening thing for me... They still did things that pretty much guaranteed I'd be put under the knife. I'm still traumatized by my daughter's birth - she is 5.5 years old.
I think it is your duty as a woman and Mother to let this woman know the facts and reality of aggressive induction, of epidurals (for both her and baby), of the increased rates of unneccessary cesareans that they now are 1 out of 3 births!! It's insane!!
Why not invite her over to watch Business of Being Born with you? It's at every Library I've checked at - so you don't have to buy it. Just say you want to share with her how your births have been,. and you feel that sharing some important knowledge with her is important. If she really is such a health nut, she'll pay attention. Cesareans completely ruin your core muscles and it will never be back to normal, and some women even never get feeling back in that area. I know I've never gotten the feeling back from belly button to scar.