For the past several years, I've helped people get their finances in order. When you say you can't afford to pack lunches, it is something I've heard many times. It would be easier if I could actually show you in person, but I'll just have to use words.
You can pack a lunch for the same or less cost as the Reduced hot lunch price. The money you send for vending machine snacks would likely cover the cost of packing a lunch *and* a bringing snack from home. You can make 2-4 lunches for the cost of a bag of name-brand chips.
Counting breakfast, lunch and dinner, there are 21 basic meals in a week. If kids feel *deprived* because they are given limited options at school for 5 of those 21 meals then there is indeed a problem, but it isn't the school lunch.
The problem is that kids have been taught to fill up on starchy, sweet and salty things. Of course they prefer it if given the choice! My own kids sure do.
I'm boggled that Gamma G calls ham, sweet potato, carrots and pineapple an "appalling" lunch for a kid but has no problem with KFC food, which is delicious, but pure junk. If her granddaughter would have eaten the rest of her (good, healthy) lunch, she would not have been hungry.
Gamma mentioned getting free school lunch due to low income. I am not at all opposed to free and reduced lunches. I think it is a great program for families. But the cost of *one* KFC meal can make an entire week's worth of packed lunches for a child. Food she could be certain the kid would eat.
The problem isn't what the school was offering, the problem is the disconnect people have with responsibility. It is the job of the parent/guardian to feed their kid, or to see that their kid is fed. If the kid doesn't like school lunch, the solution is to provide the lunch from home, not to get mad that the school isn't catering to their picky eater.