Dear L.,
I just did an extensive research for schools in Louisville,Kentucky. You will hear many opinions, and although one must factor those in, most of the time that is all they are; with very little to no facts to back up why one public school is better than another. Needless to say, the change from public to private will need your assistance for transition.
Because of being a former engineer I like research and facts. I offer you this site as an unbiased site to research and form your own opinion, by Standard & Poors. Enter the zip code of the area in KY you are considering to relocate. Schools for that area or district will appear.
You may want to call the scool board to findout what school your children will attend. This will help you know what school to select at the database will provide you with actual state scores of AYP and much valued info about the school.
My personal research revealed Oldham County, to have the best public schools in the state of Kentucky. Which is where I plan on residing.
I wish you and your family a smooth transition.