With my third I had a belly before I missed my period, and with my second I was so tired I couldn't stay awake. Good luck!
Hey Ladies,
I'm hoping some of you that have had more than one child could share their earliest pregnancy signs? It's too soon for me to take a test but OH MY ....
Did anyone have a belly right away? Couldn't hardly stay awake? I'm not due for my period for about ten days so any test is too early yet.
Any differences between the first and second pregnancies would be much appreciated as well.
I have no idea yet if I am pregnant. It would be absolutely wonderful, although QUITE a surprise, if I am. Some of the at home tests say you can test 5-6 days before your missed period. Might have to give that a try. I can only skip the glass of wine so many times before people become suspicious...
I'm so thankful for the responses I've gotten so far, please keep them coming :)
With my third I had a belly before I missed my period, and with my second I was so tired I couldn't stay awake. Good luck!
FATIGUE! I felt EXHAUSTED and it gave me a clue that I was pg
My 2nd and 3rd pregnancies both started with a yeast infection, tmi I know :) That, and extreme exhausted tiredness! Pregnancy tests work pretty early these days, I took one before I was even late and it registered I was pregnant...
I'm currently pregnant with my second, and although this one has been different, it started out very similarly. I think the extreme breast tenderness and exhaustion were what tipped it off. Both were similar to my first. Also, my belly did pop out a little sooner. I think I had to give up my regular jeans at around 10 weeks or so. I was more nauseous during my first trimester with this second pregnancy, but I think it was partly due to the fact that my son and I were constantly sharing GI bugs for a few weeks. Also, my aversions were different. I remember being averted to bread crust just one morning of my first pregnancy, whereas it took me weeks before I decided I wanted red meat again with my second. Sometimes, symptoms appear earlier and stronger with subsequent pregnancies, according to my doctor. Good luck!
Mine was being sick at the thought of meat. I couldn't handle raw meat at all. And forget about eating it. Blechy! My pregnancy symptoms were exactly the same every time I got pregnant. But, I did have really bad nausea with my first and never got it with my second.
You can get pregnancy tests at the dollar store. They work just as good as the name brand ones and are a WHOLE lot cheaper.
Currently 35 weeks into my second pregnancy. The first symptom I really took notice of were my nipples were very sensitive, swollen, and when expressed leaked a clearish fluid (sorry if TMI). I hadn't nursed since my son turned 2, 6 years ago so I knew something was up as I'd never leaked before.
With my first I knew when I started have strong adversions to previously loved foods like sweet baked goods and chocolate...and the adversions stayed throughout the whole pregnancy...trust me I've never had an adversion to those kinds of things before, so I knew something was up! :)
Both pregnancies I just knew so never did a home pregnancy test...just scheduled an OB/GYN appointment and had it confirmed and my first prenatal at the same time.
Really if you think you are and the symptoms are that strong (and different)you probably are pregnant...at least in my experience. :)
If you aren't due for your period for 10 days, you technically may only be a few days pregnant. I am 12 weeks into my second pregnancy. I knew right about the time of my missed period. I started to show at 5 weeks and had a hard time hiding it by 10 weeks. I feel like everything was moving quicker with some more cramping and different pangs than I remember this early. I was definitely and still am more exhausted and sleeping more with naps when I can. I also was more nauseous this tine around. Good luck!
My first I had breast tenderness sooooo badly before I knew I was pregnant. My second I don't remember any breast tenderness at all. I was perfectly un-nauseated with my first and with my second had a morning routine that involved brushing my teeth, vomiting, and finishing up the teeth. I had heartburn later on with both. I felt my second "fluttering" much earlier, possibly because I also knew what it would feel like. I was, however, convinced I was pregnant last month (breast pain for weeks, etc.) but nothing. Maybe this month...? :) Good luck!
Extreme fatigue for me, this time I was so tired before I even missed my period I was falling asleep sitting up on the couch! EPT's you can take 5 days before. Good luck :)
Not to scare you, but my symptoms were very similar to yours. I had a belly before I ever took a home pg test. We were trying to conceal the pregnancy before we went to the doctor to confirm it, but it really wasn't possible for me. My other symptoms were exaggerated too. I was so exhausted, I worried how I was going to handle 9 months of being a mother to my first child because I was to tired to do a lot of things. I was also more nauseas, and had food cravings for meat immediately. Doctor told me it was probably because every pregnancy is different, and the meat craving was probably because it was a boy and my first was a girl. Boys need their protein. Well, yes, boy(S) need protein. My second pregnancy was TWIN boys. :-D