Are you in gwinnett? I belong to a networking group. Our website is womensnetworkingofgwinnett.com
Hi, I am starting a home-based safety business and am seeking a small business forum. Does anyone know of one? I am also intersted in speaking to local mom's groups, etc. to get the word out as well as offer in-home safety tips.
Thank you!
Are you in gwinnett? I belong to a networking group. Our website is womensnetworkingofgwinnett.com
I am not sure if this is what you are looking for... you could check out meetup.com and find local groups of different categories that fit your interests.
Some churches that have MOPS groups I bet would love to hear from you. They usually have speakers every 2 weeks at their meetings and since they are moms of newborns and pre schoolers I know they'd be looking for new ideas.
Check out www.ladieswholaunch.com. It is a nationwide group with local groups called "incubators" to help foster women entrepreneurs. Good luck to you!