Hey K.,
about me....I went through fertility treatments for 2 1/2 years.....when I first started fertility drugs I had a coworker whose hubby had a reversal and they had problems getting pregnant immediately.....Since it has been over 6 months since you have not gotten pregnant...RUN to the nearest fertility treatment center...I don't care what your current OBGYN or urologist says....don't let them see if they can fix the situation..if they currently have you on chlomid....shame on them...there is only so much chlomid you can take...6 months worth.and then that's it, you cannot take anymore.....Fertility Specialists deal with your problems every day...your obgyn and urologist do not....
the only thing I can think of is that not enough seminal fluid is being produced.....try dosing him up with cough syrup...there is a drug called guastifasine...or something like that ..that helps produced more fluid...and same goes for you too...
though he may be fine and that it could be you...and if it is you..there are sooooo many factors to check out.....I am not from around here..I just moved here over a year ago from Texas..so am not sure of who hte best fertility specialist are...please find out and go make an appointment immediately
For me wiht all of hte tests and drugs......it came down to my ovaries were old and I didn't produce enough eggs for IVF...we went for foster/adoption and our first placement was/is our 2 beautiful daughters ages 5 and 3 1/2 now..that was about 3 years or so ago....and I would not have it any other way!
Good luck. J.