From my experience, all the VBAC pushers can be a little over the top. They make you feel like a failure and a gullible wimp if you end up with a C, like the evil medical doctors tricked you into it. I think there needs to be a balance between the natural child-birther people and Western meds. Because some doctors think that the doulas are nuts.
Women used to die in childbirth all the time and C-sections have saved a lot of babies and their moms. On the other hand, OB-GYNs don't want to get sued, but they also go for the safest method that will keep you and baby alive. So ask you dr exactly why you had to have the C-section, take a doula with you to the hospital if you want, try for the V-bac, and if it doesn't work out, be grateful for your healthy baby and don't feel like a failure or cheated. Be happy for modern medicine. If I hadn't have had my 2nd Csection, I could have lost my life!