Seeking Advice on Second Convertible Carseat

Updated on March 04, 2009
C.C. asks from Fort Worth, TX
6 answers

My daughter is finally big enough to move to a forward facing carseat and I am planning on buying the Britax Marathon for my car, which we use most often, but I am debating what we should buy for my husband's car. We use his car infrequently but enough to justify buying a second seat. Any suggestions? Should we just go with Britax for both? We were looking at the Graco ComfortSport or the Evenflo Triumph.

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answers from Dallas on

We have the Evenflo Triumph and my daugher was in that seat in a moderate car accident and did not have a bump or bruise anywhere. We bought another Triumph and have used the Triumph now for over 4 years and three kids and I really like it. We just upgraded my oldest daughter to the Graco Nautilus (because of the 40 pound weight limit) and really like it too. The Graco Nautilus will last longer because it has a 5 point harness to 65 pounds and then converts to the booster. My mother-in-law recently bought 2 of the Evenflo Titans for her car. Walmart had them online for around $80.00, it seems to be just as good as our more expensive Evenflo Triumph, and I believe it has a 50 pound weight limit on it.



answers from Dallas on

We actually really like our Graco goes up to 65 lbs. in a harness, and since it wont get tons of use, will last you for a good 6 years or so. I know all about how Britax are supposed to be the best, and I get it, but it does not mean that lots of other car seats aren't going to protect your child! The most important thing is installation in the car..which up to 80% of us screw up, and how well you strap her in the seat! Chosing a different car seat does not make you a bad mom, or even a mom that does not put her childs safety first..otherwise we would all be driving volvos with our britax car seats in the back, and there would be no need for any other car or car seat my soap box..I say grab what you feel best about, and make sure it is installed perfectly!! Good luck ~A.~



answers from Dallas on

Personally, I would buy a Britax for both. We have one in each of our cars and you will use it! They really are the best and easiest to get in and out of cars.



answers from Dallas on

go with the Triumph! LOVE IT.



answers from Dallas on

We bought the cosco sp? from target. It was $50 and rated well. It is not as cushie as the Graco but served it's purpose. We now have the Graco Nautalus for our 3yr old. It is big and nice. I don't know if it would have been too big at that age or not.


answers from Dallas on

We use the evenflo triumph and love it! It's priced reasonably and it is cozy, easy to install and has great ratings. I got ours new on Ebay for $65 including shipping, and Babies r us has it for $99.

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