Are you sure she doesn't want mommy milk anymore, permanently? Ten months is really really young to be weaned- at least not voluntarily by the baby. During such a scary flu season and with the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation to breastfeed fir 1yr ( and the WHO's recommendation for 2 yrs) just try to keep a very open policy for nursing if she should request again. It still offers soooo many benefits to her at such a young age- nutritionally, health wise and for emotional development. She may really look to you again closer to 12 mo at the next big growth spurt. LOTS of babies go through stages of not asking much, but if they are offered the breast 1st before meals, they will gladly accept and continue to get the antibodies and all the other benefits too :-)
As for sleeping with you, way to go! You have created a bond and a sense of security like no other. If you really want to change the arrangements, go SLOW. Babies don't know or understand why they all the sudden are bring shunned or having their comfort taken away ( how they see it). She has grown to trust and find comfort in her sleep time with you. Anything abrupt will run the yucky risk of stripping away that confidence, trust, security that is so precious! Maybe start with moving her into a crib in your room ( bedside maybe) after she falls asleep with you. Gradually move to more and more crib time as you feel she is comfy and accepting. Eventually you could probably transfer the crib if necessary.
Check out Dr Sears book called Attachment Parenting, it offers great advice on sleep arrangements. Most importantly, don't be pushed into changing because the USA 'norm' is to have young children sleep alone.... Most of the world sleeps in the same bed or same room as their little children.... And def try not to fall for cry-it-out training methods. Sure, it will work, but at what cost to your childs emotional and comfort levels- just because you don't see negative results today doesn't mean it doesn't negatively affect them. You have done soooo much through breastfeeding and cosleeping it would be a shame to tear it all away.....