Seeking Affordable Christian School

Updated on July 17, 2008
J.W. asks from Grand Prairie, TX
4 answers

I was here last year looking for a school and found a wonderful one, but now they are going to discontinue high school. My daughter needs 3 more years to graduate. Finding smaller Christian schools is very difficult as they generally do not have websites and is strictly by word of mouth. Does anyone know of a good Christian school in the Arlington, Hurst, Eulass, Bedford, Irving, Mansfield or Grand Prairie area? I would even be willing to check out the websites if you could provide a website, anything. We just found out about this yesterday and am still in a fog in disbelief about it.

Thank you for any help you can provide,


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So What Happened?

Thank you for all the responses. I have checked them all out but still not found what we need. Some of these were private but not Christian and some were Catholic and neither were really what we were looking for, but I do so appreciate everyones time and suggestions trying to help me through this very difficult process, again.


More Answers



answers from Dallas on

Our church leases some of our buildings to Eagle Advantage Charter School. It is a public charter school and while it is not strictly "religious" the do partner with the parents to instill biblical teachings. Here is a link to the website:
take a look & contact them with questions. I know that a some of the kids in our youth group attend and they all seem to like it. Hope you find one soon!



answers from Dallas on

I am currently employed at a private Christian school. My school is PK3-6th, but we send our graduates to schools associated with the Independent Schools Association. I am not sure of each location, but Trinity Christian Academy is a good one in Cedar Hill. We also filter into Bishop Dunne, The Hockaday School, Greenhill School, Lakehill Preparatory School, Parish Episcopal School. Those are just a few and some may be Catholic, but those are the schools we filter into.



answers from Dallas on

Our son graduated from Temple Christian. It is the most affordable private Christian school I have heard of. Pantego is very good, but more than Temple.



answers from Dallas on

I don't know if you're still looking, but there's The Flint Academy in Arlington.

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