Seeking Info/experiences with C Section

Updated on March 19, 2008
A.S. asks from Austin, TX
12 answers

I am 38 weeks pregnant and my baby is breech. I have already gone through an ECV to have him turned and he got most of the way there and then turned back. I have also gone to a chiropractor to try to get him to turn but he is just really wanting to be where he is.

So in all likelihood, I am going to have to have a C section. I was just curious as to what other people's experiences have been. Esp if you are a Mom who is very gung ho with natural birth and had to have your baby this way due to circumstances beyond your control. Was it h*** o* you psychologically? Did you heal faster or slower than you thought? Also, if anyone has had a C with a dr at Fox Valley Women's Healthcare in Elgin specifically, which dr did you have and what did you think of them? I normally see the midwife so I am unsure as to which dr would be best to schedule with.


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answers from Chicago on


I have had to have two C-sections due to circumstances beyond my control, but I had known early on that this would be the case. I just remembered that I was doing what was the safest for my babies and me. I see Dr. Korzen at Fox Valley Women's Healthcare. She did both of my C sections. I am so happy that I found her. I love her personality and she has a great reputation.


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answers from Chicago on

I had to have a c-section with both my children. It really isn't as bad as everyone seems to claim. My first one was harder to recover from because I had been in labor for 31 hours before the doctors decided that the baby was stuck in the birth canal and I was extremely tired. I ended up with gestational diabetes with my second child and since I had already had one c-section and gestational diabetes babies tend to be big babies and I'm a small person (5 ft), the doctors decided that if I went past my due date I would get another c-section. They didn't want a tear to happen and then end up with an emergency c-section. This recovery was a breeze! I think because I didn't go through any of the labor before that. I had a good night's sleep, went to the hospital in the morning and by 10:30am my son was out. I say, don't worry, prepare yourself for it. My daughter was also 3 years old when my son was born and she was a huge help to me. She was very excited to be a big sister. My husband also took 2 weeks off work to be home with us. Have everything planned ahead of time and everything will be fine.



answers from Chicago on

I have had three c-sections myself and definitely have a lot of experience. My first one sounds exactly like what you have gone through and at first I was devestated that I would not have a natural birth. I thought that I was missing out and the experience would be disappointing. I was wrong. When you see that healthy baby there is nothing disappointing about that. We all just want to bring our baby safely into the world. A c-section is actually easier on the baby than a vaginal birth. My c-sections were not as hard as I had expected. Some can plan the date and with a child at home already it is nice to be able to have things prepared for them. You are not as exhausted after birth because you didn't have to go through labor before delivery. Some things to keep in mind....though it will be hard and somewhat painful, get up and start walking around as soon as your doctor will let you after the c-section. The more you walk the quicker your recovery and the quicker the discomfort goes away. Do not use the pain therapy they may offer called "grenade therapy"sp? I did that with my last c-section and it did not work at all. My pain was 10 times worse adn it took me twice as long to recover. The grenade therapy is when they attach a small catheter to your uterus and a second one near the top of the skin level. The two catheters lead to a small bag that has medicine in it. It is supposed to give constant medicine for three days so that it isn't painful. It did not work for me at all. I ended up having to get many shots of pain medicine in my hip to get the pain under control. What did work for me was a morhpine drip for the first 24 hours. It gave my body time to start to heal without me constantly tensing up the abdominal muscles. My recovery was pretty quick at that point. I had restrictions from the doctor longer than a vaginal delivery still but the pain was not long lasting and I was feeling good and healthy within a week. Since you have a small child you may want to consider setting up someone to help you for a couple of weeks. You will not be aloud to lift him for 6 weeks because of the abdominal surgery. I felt reaady much much sooner but you don't want to take a chance of tearing open your incision either inside or out. I know that it is a lot of information but I hope it helps and doesn't overwhelm you. It will be an amazing experience for you because you will have a safe deliver with a healthy baby in the end. If you have any other questions or concerns I would be more than willing to talk with you if you like. You can either email or call me! Good Luck!




answers from Iowa City on

Your situation sounds so similar to mine. On February 1st, I had a c-section to deliver my beautiful, breech baby girl. I am a Newborn Intensive Care nurse and I've seen so many vaginal deliveries and I expected that mine would be no different. I had in mind the how it was going to be. We made it through 2 of the 3 childbirth classes and my husband and I were all ready to try a natural birth with no medications or epidural. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I wanted to experience ALL of what labor and her birth had to offer. Well that plan was not to be. We found out see was breech at 36 weeks. My doctor advised me against a version because this was my first baby and my placenta was anterior. It was good we never tried because my daughter's cord was around her neck 3 times. She probably was never able to get into position before because of the cord. I don't think the same thing is true with you but for me this all happened for a reason and the outcome was a healthy baby. I still sometimes feel a little twinge of sadness that I didn't get to delivery her vaginally and have her on my chest right away but I know it was for the best and to be honest I think I recovered much better than if I would have had the vaginal delivery.
I took all the pain medication that was scheduled at the hospital. For the first 24 hours it was IV and then pills. I took Nocor, with is a acetaminophen and codeine, and the Ibuprofen. By the time I got home, I only needed the ibuprofen. I had filled the prescription for Vicodin, but never needed it. I drank a ton of water and got up as much as I could at the hospital and then tried to not spend too much time on the couch once I was home. I was a little sore, but I think it helped my recovery. I'm sure my doctor may disagree with my regimen a little, but I think my outcome was pretty good so she really can't argue! My incision healed nicely and I had no problems with that.
Now, 6 weeks later, I feel really good. I do have a little soreness on one side of my abdomen where I have a weak muscle, but that's been an issue I've had for about 5 years!
I hope this helps. I know the disappointment that can come along with all this, but it goes away as soon as you have your baby. And not to get your hopes up, but I've also known two women who've had breech babies with their non-first borns and they've turned right before their birthdays. I think it's because the uterus can stretch a little more than when it's your first born. Good luck and congratulations!



answers from Chicago on

A. -
Here a bit of my story, after years of trying to conceive naturally, my husband and I had fertility treatments to become pregnant. So with eveything else being so "clinical" I really wanted to have a natural child birth. Selfishly, that's one of the reasons we went through all the treatments, instead of adoption. A week after my due date we had an ultrasound to check the ambiotic fluid, to make sure we could wait for her to progress. It was then we found out that she was in a jack-knife breech position (toes above her head butt down) and was told to go home, pack up my things and come back to the hospital for an emergency C-section. I was devastated. After crying a lot and procrastinating (doing everything I could to stall the inevitable) we went back to Sherman hospital. Once again a bit, clinical but we delivered our baby girl. Until seeing this post, I haven't really thought about it much. After holding her, I knew it didn't matter how it happened, but she was here. The doctor was excellent and I barely have a scar, because of the time she took in sewing me up.
I do think it seemed to take longer than expected to heal. So be kind to yourself. One thing I've seen other c-section Mom's do is wear a wrap around your belly after a few days, which seems to help greatly for discomfort and strength. Ask your doctor. Also, I wrote in a journal to get my thoughts "out of my head" and that help me heal a bit emotionally.
I'm sure everything will go well, take it easy, you are in good hands.
And if he is anything like my daughter, who always seems to have her own way of doing things a bit out of ordinary. You probably find son might just have already started a little stubborn personality in the womb. Lots of luck, take care.




answers from Chicago on


You could always call T.. I hear that SHE had a c-section only 6 months ago. She's pretty cool to talk to, but her husband is a big pain (wink!).

Scott told me you were going to try to have the baby turned. Sorry it didn't work. Did it hurt? On television, it always looks like the poor mom will end up bruised!

Listen, I'm happy to talk about the Big C at any time. Just give a call over to the house. I don't blame you for being nervous; I was a wreck when they told me about it. Fortunately, I didn't have much time to process the whole thing before it was already over. If you want to know some specifics beforehand, let me know. Also, AFTER the c-section I was desperate to talk to other moms who'd had c-sections--you know, to see if my experiences were normal and when I'd be feeling more like myself. If you want to talk then, too, I'm always available.




answers from Chicago on

Hi A.! I too was really looking forward to a natural birth. At 37 weeks I found out that my son was breech (he was butt down as if wanting to moon the world when he was born). That was on a Friday, and before I left my appointment I made the decision with my husband to try and have him turned that upcoming Monday. As I was walking out the door I was told that if my water broke before then, that I would need a C-section. Go figure, Saturday night I stood up off the couch after my son kicked me and woke me up and my water broke!!! I laughed, he wanted out then and I knew I was getting a C-section. I was very at peace with it because it was my only option. I am not upset with what happened, no regrets, I am just relieved that he is healthy and laugh that he was able to moon the medical staff as he was pulled out butt first.

I was pleased with how quickly I healed and the scar isn't that bad. I am sure you will be fine. Good luck and I wish you a speedy recovery.



answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,
I had a c-section and boy was I nervous about the whole thing. I think the anticipation of it all was worse than the procedure. I was scheduled to have it on the 13th if the baby did not turn. My little one was breach Indian style. They debated on turning her, but there was a concern the umbilical cord could get wrapped. We also thought about using a chiropractor for using the less evasive approach, but felt we were being led to keep things as they were. There was concern that since I had a septate uterus, the largest part may have been the reason little one was not turning. Little one was delivered on 13th, week before due date to ensure I did not go in labor so muscles would not be cut through in process. I was led into a white room with several people waiting for me. I was so nervous and mom at the time was fighting cancer so I offered up the pain I would go through to God to help heal her. The anestheiologist was very good and walked me through everything with the spinal shot. It was very overwhelming but there were kind faces and confident people all around me as well as a calm feeling in me once the injection was over. This was the toughest part....for recovery was very simple. They either stapled or stictched me internally, but externally it was a skin glue. This made for a much easier recovery. I was walking that night to the bathroom. Next day was walking around the room comfortably. Third day walking up and down the halls. I have been told by many mom's who had a natural birth that I was very fortunate to not have gone through labor. Although, in a way I feel cheated to not experience my little one being pushed through me...but what truly matters is that I have a healthy, smart and beautiful 7 month old. Please note, that when they get your little one out of you....he/she will cry a little than they whisk the little one away...several people surrounding the baby to clear fluids that normally are squeezed out when coming thru the canal naturally. This is very alarming when you do not hear your baby crying for several sure to talk to your doctor so they can advise more what will take place. Also note, you will feel nothing when they cut into you ...only tugging, pulling and pushing to get the baby out. You will be to you.




answers from Chicago on


I ended up having a csection in April 06. It wasn't scheduled but after 20 hr of labor and 4 hrs pushing I couldn't do it any more. My doctor suggested the csection and it was a good thing because she told me my son's head would have never pushed through. My doctor was Christine Estes at Fox Valley Womens Healthcare. She was great. She did a very good job. A very low bikini cut that was really clean. I followed the directions and healed just fine. I have struggled with losing weight but I don't think that has anything to do with having a csection. Just relax and enjoy the birth of your baby!



answers from Chicago on


DO NOT FEEL BAD ABOUT A C-SECTION. I wanted to deliver naturually and couldn't with either one of my children. After 22 hours of labor and not progressing naturally plus getting physically ill and swelling up they had to take my daughter. My second pregnancy with my son was hopefully as everything was progressing normally....Well at 30+ weeks and beyond he was breached.....So much for a VBAC. I agree with the other posts that once your baby is here it doesn't matter how they came.....God Bless your upcoming delivery!



answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,
I was in the same situation as you. My first baby was breech. Although we decided against anything to try to turn her (version, acupuncture, etc.). We felt that there must be some reason that she was in that position. I was disappointed when I first heard we may need a section, but knew it was the safest thing for our daughter. Honestly, it wasn't all that horrible. The worst part for me is that I get sick from anesthesia so I spent about 12 hours afterwards vomiting. What I discovered to be very important was taking the ibuprofen every 6 hours, regardless of how you're feeling. That was only for the first week. If I skipped it, I felt a lot of pain. Once I got home, I only had to take 1 pain pill. Also, it's important to try to get up and walk. I will be having my 3rd section in July.

I also go to Fox Valley Women's health. My first baby was delivered by their midwife Mary (who is no longer there) and Dr. Paradis. Now I see the Linda, who I absolutely love!! My second daughter was delivered by Linda and Dr. Korzen. I am hoping to have Linda and Dr. Korzen deliver this one too. The main reason is that Dr. Korzen uses a stitch to close the section and all the other doctors use staples. When you have the stitch you don't need to go back until 6 weeks, but with the staples you have to go back after a week to have them removed. I don't know if it was psychologically or not, but I just felt better with the stitch vs. staples.

Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I had to have a c-section with my first and this chickened out and had another with the second because I was afraid she was a big baby too and I would rip at my scar....she turned out to be a peanut and I think I could have spit her across the room if I had tried....

At any rate, I had to have a c-section because my daughter was 8 lbs 14 oz and she turned sunny side up instead of face down like she should have been. I pushed for three hours at 10 cm...and she would crown but never quite get past my pelvic Dr Estes decided on a c-section...

Now I wish I would have had the presence of mind to ask her to try and turn her manually, but I was so tired I couldn't think...I just started crying because I felt like a failure. My doctor didn't want to try to turn her because my epidural didn't work (i have a messed up spine) and I was "al natural" the whole time....she figured it would be too painful for me and I had been through quite a bit at that point anyway.

Oh well can't change things now but I'm due with number three in May and I would love to try a vaginal birth, but I really think I will be talked out of it.

I didn't mind the c-section. I was up and walking around as soon as they removed the catheter. I had to walk slowly but I was fine. I took one tylenol when I got home. I took Vicaden twice after the second child, but that was it...(I ate a big batch of brocolli at the hospital for my first meal...and gas pains aren't a good thing when you have had a c-section. I didn't think about it at the time because I was starving half to death).

Anyway, the first one took a bit to heal completely and it itched quite a bit...but I was walking around well almost immediately. I didn't itch at all with the second c-section and I healed even faster.

No episiotomy, of cousre, so I didn't have to deal with that at all. I think that was nice.

My stomach is pretty weak in that area though....Little baby bubble that I can't seem to ever get rid I wear slimmers most of the time to flatten it. That might be normal for any woman that has had a baby though.

My scar is minimal and very low, right above my pelvic bone so I could wear a bikini if that were the kind of thing I would wear. My bathing suits are typically made of as much material as I can possibly find. I don't like to show off the rolls and cottage cheese much.

So I wouldn't say a c-section is a bad thing. Am I disappointed that I have never had a natural birthing? Yes. Am I devastated or do I need counseling? NO. I'm just glad that I had my baby in this century and not a previous one....I probably would have died trying to get her out or died later because of some dirty hands that would have been needed to turn my baby face down.

I know it sounds terrible but I'm not sure if I go to Fox Valley Women's clinic or not...seems like that is the name...Paradis, Estes, Mylan, and Coursan???? I saw Paradis for a long time when I first moved here but then switched to Estes when Paradis was on maternity leave. I like them both and love Estes...very personable. My sister-in-law sees Coursan and she loves her.

Is the baby big? Have they done any recent ultra-sounds to see how big the baby is? My grandmother had her youngest breach and he's fine (a liberal which I tease him about...but he didn't seem to suffer any from being born breach). She didn't suffer either other than more pain...but now days with epidurals that isn't a problem much either....unless you are like me with a messed up spine.

Good luck and I hope some of that helped.

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