Hi Momma,
First and foremost there are 2 plans of attack with the school. First, your son is protected under the IDEA and it would probably behoove you to get a book called "The Complete IEP Guide" if you feel that he has special education needs. This book will help you get through the process. I have not read it, but it comes recommended.
Second, you can either go the route of an IEP which will protect him in and you can design it to address his educational needs should he need special instruction.
Third, you can ask to have a Section 504 if you feel that he is academically sound, but would llike to address his social needs.
There are some important differences between the 2. My son has a Section 504 which addresses his issues which are noise sensitivity providing him with preferential seating in the classroom and at assemblies to reduce distractions. He gets overwhelmed easily and can take breaks or leave the room. He also can take extra time on a test if he becomes overwhelmed. Section 504's are not designed for specialized instruction.
From what I gather from your post, you are trying to make certain that the friends he makes are really friends and trying to avoid bullying situations. You may ask that he is placed closer to the teacher so she can observe the social interaction with his peers. If he does make real friends, you can also ask that they are with him the following year. We also ask that he gets to meet his next year's teacher before the school year ends because new and unfamiliar situations are very stressful for him. Once he has a clue it reduces his stress levels.
I would strongly recommend that you educate yourself in regard to your/his rights. Do not let him go without either one or the other protections, simply because the school is not legally obligated to do anything for him or you should something come up.
My "bible" has been the OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome for many years.
My son is going into 8th grade this year, a new school building and will be riding the bus with high school kids. I am totally sweating bullets! If you need more info or just wanna talk, feel free to message.
Best of luck!