Seeking Information on a "Good" Birth Control Pill

Updated on July 18, 2009
T.S. asks from Fort Worth, TX
11 answers

I have recently decided that it is time for me to get on birth control. I am in no position to get pregnant at this time in my life. :) Can anyone recommend a birth control pill, shot, etc. that will have very little side effects (such as weight gain, mood swings, acne)? I also do not want to take something that is going to cause problems when I am ready to become pregnant again.

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answers from Dallas on

Had Mirena IUD for 4 it! Periods have become pretty non-existent, but took a year or so for it to get to that point. Mild cramping upon insertion and slight discomfort for the first couple days. Went away no problem.

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answers from Dallas on

I tried the IUD, but when I was told it was out of place and a new one had to be reinserted I refused. The pain I experienced the first time was horrible. I had to leave work early and 2 margaritas and 3 tequila shots later I was still uncomfortable.
I now have the birth control in my arm. It is called implanon. The pain of getting it inserted under your skin lasts about a week or so (it feels like your arm is going to fall off), after then you are care free. I have had it for almost a year and have only had one period, no side effects and it lasts for 3 years.
Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

My OB/GYN implanted the Mirena device during a simple office visit. My insurance covered it completely; however, I believe the cost would have been approximately $600 without coverage. I have not battled weight gain or mood swings and my cycles are nearly non existent. The best part, it is good for five years before needing to be replaced and if you choose to try to become pregnant, the doctor simply removes it and you may begin immediately. Check it out at



answers from Dallas on

I tried Yaz recently. It is a diaretic so you won't gain weight with it. Plus it really reduced my PMS. The only downside that I have experienced is that it has really messed up my cycle. I spotted (more than spotted really) for a whole month which is really annoying. Anyway, it may have been just my body; and I have only been on it for 3 months so maybe it takes a while. Anyway, you may have better luck with it; I did like the fact that you don't gain weight or have mood swings. However, I have decided to be done with it and do something more permanent since we are sure we do not want anymore. Good luck!!



answers from Dallas on


I wanted to try other forms like the Mirena etc., but my insurance wouldn't cover it. I didn't want spend the extra money on having a procedure done that my insurance wouldn't cover, so I have used Yasmin 28 pill for a couple of years now. I haven't had any problems. I do notice under very stressful times feeling "out of sorts" right before I start my period. However, that is just once in awhile. What I do like is having lighter periods every month and having a clear face all the time. I started using this pill after my little girl was almost 2. I have lost the baby weight while on this pill, so I haven't noticed any weight gain issues. (However, firming up what is left is another story!) I do like the "real" Yasmin much better than the generic. It is a bit of a hassle taking a pill everyday, but I need to be taking vitamins everyday anyway. Adding one more little pill isn't too difficult.

Hope this helps.
H.. M.



answers from Dallas on

I've used the Mirena IUD for the last two years and love it. It is great and you don't have to think about it. I have fewer mood swings with it than not being on any form of birth control.



answers from Dallas on

I use Natural Family Planning (the Creighton Model) and I can't recommend it enough. It works.



answers from Dallas on

I have used Mirena twice and have loved it. It's usually covered by insurance and lasts for 5 years, unless you want to have it removed to get pregnant. It's got a pretty low dose of hormones and is not painful. Plus you usually stop having periods.



answers from Dallas on

I have had the Mirena for 6 years - I'm on my second one, they last for 5 years. I have had no side effects at all. When inserted I cramped a little but nothing too uncomfortable, lasted a couple of hours. I spotted here and there for 4-6 months (nothing more than a panty liner couldn't handle) then no period at all. I know 4-6 months sounds long but it makes up for not having a period since I was 35, I'm 41 now. When you decide to get pregnant again, just have it removed, no issues. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I've used the Mirena IUD for the last five years and loved it. I was one that was very sensitive to birth control pills and mood swings. I have fewer mood swings with it than not being on any form of birth control and I like the fact I have light spotting or no period. Plus I don't have to think about it but once every 5 years. Good luck!


answers from Dallas on

I also loved Mirena! I had it after my son was born and removed before trying for our 2nd (I'm 5 mo. pregnant now!). It was quick, painless (just a very mild cramp when inserted; couldn't even feel when it was removed), and I didn't have to think about birth control! Plus, I was lucky and never had a period while I had it (just very light spotting on/off for about 5 weeks after it was inserted, then nothing until almost 2 months after it was removed). I will get it again after my next baby is born. I recommend it to all my friends b/c I loved it so much!

Keep in mind though when making your decision that all women are different and that what works for one might not work for you. Talk to your doctor about what you think would fit your lifestyle and what he/she recommends for you.

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