S., am a former Navy spouse, and I now own a Mary Kay business. Supporting our troops and their families is something that is near and dear to my heart, from personal experience of enduring two deployments. I also use my MK business as one vehicle to bless military and their spouses in tangible ways. I offer a $15 introductory gift certificate in free product to military, plus an ongoing 10% discount. As for this particular challenge you write about, I propose the following. If you can give me an idea of how many women we are talking about for (your friend and her friends) I will put together a small care package of samples for them to try, which I'll ship directly. Included in the care package will be instructions for how to redeem the gift offer, which they can either redeem themselves if they have the capacity, or ask a friend/family member to purchase for them. Shipping is always complimentary. My website is www.marykay.com/karlahess, and contact info is listed there. Also, I want to say that the suggestion below of holding a military gift "party" is a fantastic one! I love that!