Hi there! I, too, am a stay at home mom of a 22 month old daughter. I just joined a Meetup moms organization that offer many options to get out and meet new friends. There are a variety of topics of interest, discussion boards & social activities for stay at home moms. There is a "Bridgewater Super Mommies" in your area/local to you. Visit Meetup.com. I think it may help. Some require a small yearly membership due, some are free. I joined one group and met really nice ladies (and age appropriate kids for my daughter to play with). You are able to preview before you "join."
I am shy and love being home. Venturing out a bit is a good thing. I wish I had done this sooner. We do other activities such as Gymboree, story time @ the local library, and swimming lessons at our local YMCA. All the best, hope some of this helps.