Seeking Part-time Work-at-home Opportunity for Evenings and Weekends.

Updated on July 03, 2008
A.E. asks from Denver, CO
4 answers

I am looking for work which I can do from home to supplement my full-time income. I have exceptional writing and editing skills. I can also input data and do overflow typing. I am not interested in network marketing. I can devote approximately 10-15 hours per week to part-time work. I need this income to partially replace court-ordered maintenance and child support which will end shortly. Please help if you can!!

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answers from Denver on

I have been working from home in the mortgage business for 20 years. That business has crashed in the last year. I did a ton of research on work from home employment and found an opportunity that has really helped me continue to support my family. Check out my website - it is a recession proof business and the video phone is a huge hit with military and grandparents. Let me know if you have any questions. It pays the bills and it is a reputable company and product. Good luck.

B. Ann

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Denver on

Hello A.,
I work from home and would be happy to share with you what I do. I offer a Free presentation that covers all the information and it takes about 45 minutes to see if it might be something for you. Let me know if you would like to set a presentation. My website is:
Have a Great day!



answers from Denver on

You should take a look at the "Money Making" section of is a huge assortment of legitimate work from home employers offering part-time and full-time job opportunities, some of which have flexible hours. I have searched the web and this is by far the best list I have located!



answers from Denver on

I have some family and friends who are doing well with medical transcriptioning. You really don't need a degree for it. Everyone I know who does it is just a really good typist who was willing to spend some money on the books to get the spellings right. GL

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