I have been watching Suze Orman Ch 355 on direct T.V. and she also has a web site and I have learned so much I just wish she had come into my life earlier. In the last 2 months I started a 6 month saving fund ($1800 so far). Have a weekly budget which we stick to. Went thru all my bills and very suprised to find out I was paying double for long distance and still charged after I canceled. Went from $117 cable bill to $52 could have been $29 but Suze was not on that package and we are not missing any shows we were just paying for extras we were not watching. Changed my deductables on autos from $250 to $500 and yearly savings are $350 so even if we have a claim yearly which we have had zero. We are still saving. Anytime we refinace we cut years or stay the same we don't add years homewill be paid of by age 55 or sooner. We garden which saves us money and great quality time for the family and we dont have a huge yard.Semi-drawf trees and small patch of dirt or pots for fruits and vegetables. We got myself life insurance because only my husband was covered but I bring home more income being self employed. That is a great piece of mind. We lived paycheck to paycheck what came in went out we were short every month catching up the next because my income varies month to month plus husband overtime right now in the 2 months I have an extra $2400 in my checking account plus my x-mas saving account went from $200 a month to $300 a month which I have done for the last 3 years started with $100 month so come x-mas we have no debt. My husband my not be to happy being on a budget but he will love the piece of mind that we will be O.K. and never short again and ready for anything. We have always saved in his 401K and thought that was enough and that we couldn't afford anymore savings but with a little bit of work and determination I have been my best finacial advisor and it is rubbing off on my kids my youngest 11, which sees Suze with me, goal is to have $1000 in her savings by the end of the year ($518 so far) We still spend and enjoy life but are just more wiser. So see and read as much as you can and best of luck to you and your family