Yours is a very common problem, myself included as well as several friends went through this very thing. I found that all the talking and convincing in the world was not going to make my husband feel comfortable about "doing the act" while pregnant. Not even with I was over-due and the Dr. recommended it! With my pregnancy I had a very hightened sexual drive, so it was very frustrating for me. Many people may frown on the advice I am about to give, but it worked for me and several other friends... it is the do it yourself method. It really helps you to connect to your body, and eases those sexual tensions. I told my hubby that he did not have to have intercourse with me, but he did need to make me feel sexy, and compliment me ect... he gave me backrubs, belly rubs and told me how beautiful I was. That with what I was doing for myself got me through those long months. And like someone else meantioned, he was chomping at the bit waiting for those 6 weeks to be up. Life changes as parents, you go from being just partners to parents, but you should be able to adjust and get through it. If you are struggling, reach out to your Ob doc, they can help you through it, and can refer you if necissary. Everyone handles change differently, and having a baby is a HUGE change! good luck and enjoy your pregnancy it is an exprience you may only get a few times in your life!