I had a hematoma with my first child. it was not found until like you I started bleeding profusly, even then it wasn't found until my second trip into the ER with bleeding. i was 7-8months pregnant at the time. It is believed it had been there for awhile and the increased movent of the baby ruptured it. My daughter is now 3(4 in May) and had no adverse affects from the hematoma during her gestation. I can sympatize about bedrest. After my incidents I too was on "pelvic rest"i could get up and move around the house(easy on the stairs). But I wasn't supposed to take any car trips do any housework. Pretty much i called it house arrest and It drove me nuts. I started doing crafts embroidery and knitting, things I could do sitting.
The only problem I had with the birth was I was induced at 40 weeks due to the problems and I had not yet started dilating on my own so I was being forcibly induced for the whole thing. I also found out after my second child part of my problems were due to my hips and had nothing to do with any of the children.
All I can offer is to hang in there. I know how stir crazy one can get being told that you can't do anything for the sake of the baby. Your case is worse than mine sinse you have children already and mine was with my first child.