Dear J.,
I work with children and often receive gifts at holiday time. The ones I most appreciate are home made breads and delicious things to eat, a visa gift card to use where ever I might shop (sometimes I never use gift cards to particular stores because I don't like the store or I would end up spending more money just to use the card) or a really wonderful idea is a donation to my favorite charity or cause.
Teachers, daycare providers and others like these usually get an abundance of lotions, calendars, candles, stationery, etc. Another idea is to send an email out to the other parents and ask to contribute to a gift card or cash gift. This way, others do not have the same dilemma as you and the gift is a larger one. Anyone can contribute any amount and the names can be included from those who did contribute. Others who are not interested can do their own thing and no one has any hassles or feel pressured to give.
Another idea is to gather funds for something that the daycare can use and everyone can benefit from such as a new piece of equipment, playground or otherwise.
Hope this stirs up some ideas. I would love to hear what you ended up doing!
Good luck!