My daughter had almost the exact same thing happen and I completely fell apart. I got home in the afternoon and put her down for a nap, she felt fine, just a bit crabby. When she woke up she felt warm so I gave her some Tylenol and took my son to football practice. She was laughing and playing while we were there. When we got home and I was getting her ready for bed, she felt fine. About two hours or so later she wakes up crying, which is rare(she's been a sound sleeper since she was born)so I went in to soothe her thinking maybe she had a night terror or something. She couldnn't seem to settle down so I took her into our room thinking maybe she would if she was laying down with me. When her Dad got home at about 1145 we had been asleep for about 20 minutes to a half hour, she was burning up! We took her temp and it was 103. We gave her some more Tylenol and called the doctor. While we were waiting for the doc to call us back she started to seize. At first, I didn't even know she was because she was facing away from me on her side, I thought she was play snoring. Thank goodness her Dad can stay calm in stressful situations. He called the paramedics and they came and then he basically had to tell me what to do because I was in a panic. He rode with her in the ambulance and thank goodness for my 6 year old who kept me distracted enough on the way to the hospital. They tested her for everything because her white cell count was extremly high, chest xrays, CT scan, urinalysis, everything. They kept telling us what it wasn't but never did nail down what it actually was. In the end they just kept sending us to have her fingers poked, to ensure that her white cell count was returning to normal, which it did. They told us that most likely the reason for the seizure was due to not how high her fever got but because it shot up so quickly. Also that kids who have febral seizures young like that, could possibly have them in the future but tend to out grow them by age 6. They don't do any damage to them, just scare the parents silly. She's fine now, however I think that any time she gets a fever, I will probably hover. Here's to neither one of them ever having another one. At least that way maybe we'll keep some of our sanity. :)