When my second son was born, I felt terribly guilty about the amount of time I was breastfeeding and the lack of time spent with my older one (they are 4 years apart). The lactation specialist told me that having a sibling and sharing mom was part of being a family. Well, my older son spent MANY days entertaining himself by watching tv and playing with his toys. I felt awful!
Now, though, I feel better about everything because there is so much compromise and sharing that happens in a family. I also know that breastfeeding isn't forever and that there were special times that my older son and I spent when his new brother was born. It was simple things like reading a book together, taking a walk without the baby, visiting the local Walgreens to buy some ice cream. All these things took less than 15 minutes. So, it'a about the quality of time that we give each other.
Best of luck,