Should I Switch Schools or Give It More Time

Updated on February 27, 2009
M.D. asks from Rockport, TX
6 answers

My 3 year old attended the same MDO for 1-1/2 years. I switched her at Christmas break to be closer to the home but mostly because I was not comfortable with the class they were about to move her up to. (Yes, she had to move up) I absolutely loved the school and so did she. But she had been with the same teachers for that whole year and half- so we both developed a bond. Well, I like the school she is at now but I just dont have that Love it feeling. I dont think she does either. She usually goes without any trouble but I dont see that comfortable feeling to her. Also, ever since she moved schools she never naps at school. She never missed a nap before this. Not to mention that her daily sheet always says, "not a good listener today" which she is not one at home either- so that is probably true. And today she had to go to time out twice and had to sit in the office for being very disruptive at nap. Im just torn... I dont know if its just an adjustment period of if she is really unhappy there. I dont want her to spend her days at school getting in trouble. I have not re-enrolled her yet for next year and thats what Im trying to decide. I will say that she is not just acting up for school- she is a very head strong little girl and behaves the same way at home. (thats a whole nother post for another day). but her old school never had these problems from her? what should I do? She only goes 2 days a week 9-2, and I want those to be fun times for her. Thanks moms

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answers from Dallas on

Give it more time. Also, is there a way you can observe the classroom via camera or through a window to watch what is going on? Can you invite some of the other children to your home to play with her on the weekend? She may just need time to bond better. Don't worry about her being in time out. All kids act up from time to time and it's good to know the teacher gives gentle but firm discipline to all children. The fact that she goes without any trouble is a very good sign. If you had to take her kicking and screaming that would just show that she hated going and she isn't exhibiting that kind of behavior.



answers from Wichita Falls on

I would call the other school and ask to talk to her teachers. Was she having these problems and they just accepted it as part of her personality, or was she just a little ray of sunshine and now she's miss gloom and doom.

If the other school accepted it as part of her personality, and you don't want to - then maybe she should stay where she's at. IF you want to encourage the hard headed little girl in her, then maybe you should switch back... if she was little suzy sunshine and now she's gloom and doom, I would switch back.

I know a lot of people say I listen too much to what my kids want about where they want to be - but I feel like where they are loved, secure, happy, and guided - they will do best.




answers from Dallas on

I do in-home childcare. If things do not work out there give me a call. I would be glad to take care of her.



answers from Dallas on

I would give it more time if you realy need her to be in some type of program. Also, do not discount the fact that she is older which may contribute to her recent behavior changes. She is continuing to grow and develop into her own little person. As an aside, that is about the age that many of my friend's children decided that they are not interested in napping.



answers from Dallas on

I say go with your gut. You may not want to switch for this year, but start looking for next year.

We went through a simular thing with my older son. His 1st 2 years of MDO we had him at a very warm, loving school. I loved it and he loved it. It was far away and after the birth of his brother the drive got to be too much so I switched schools (I cried when we left that school). Like you said, he didn't hate the new school, but didn't look forward to school like before. His behavior changed and he became withdrawn at school(among other things, long story). I ended up keeping him in the entire year (thinking it might just be me) and regret it to this day!! I switched schools the next year and found another school that had that "loving" atmosphere. He became a different child!! I lost my deposit that year (I had enrolled both kids for the next year), but I don't care. To see him happy to go to school again was worth it!!



answers from Dallas on

Please switch and try a different school. My son attended a MDO, and I asked for a job there when we needed some extra income. I was not the teacher in his room. I was with the 1 to 2 year old children. They couldn't tell their parents about their day because they weren't speakers yet. I quit after a while because I wasn't happy with what I saw going on behind the scenes when the parents were not there. It wasn't anything you would call CPS about, but some of the teachers were not kind to the children. We would have children in my classroom that were not good sleepers or were cryers. The teacher that I worked with would get very frustrated, and just generally didn't like these kids, but would talk nicely to the parents when the kids were picked up.

Sometimes things are not what they seem. It doesn't mean they are physically hurting her, but they may show no love to her while she's there. Hope this helps.

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