Shower Grout Cleaning

Updated on January 09, 2007
A.D. asks from Keller, TX
4 answers

For the most part, I love my bathroom. My shower, however, has left something to be desired. What is the best way to clean grout and get it CLEAN? It looks like part of it has turned greyish/black -- even though I have cleaned with about every cleaner known to man... scrubbing bubbles, clorox and water, clorox cleaner, tilex.

I'm now considering just having someone come in and regrout and reseal the whole thing...

My question -- has anyone been able to bring your grout back from teh dead (it's not the whole thing, just in a few spots), if not, did you have to regrout?

Anyone know who to contact to do either? Thanks in advance!

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answers from Dallas on

Hi A.-- It's been a while since I have cleaned grout and I know it can get pretty nasty.
It sounds like it's spotty and that could mean mold spots.
I would try X-14 extra strength if possible. It's strong so turn on the fan and maybe wear a mask. Let it sit a while then go back and scrub. You'll be surprised at how very little scrubbing you'll have to do.

This is the product I used long ago from Home Depot. (For my kitchen) Unfortunately, it has been so long I don't remember the exact name. However, I do remember finding it in aisle where they sell tile, grout and tiling tools etc. It was in a yellow/gold mustardy color bottle and it was specifically for cleaning grout.

Also, my new favorite product is EASY OFF BAM - It's the best for clearing up hard water spots on glass or anythihg for that matter

Hope this helps!



answers from Dallas on

If a product called CLR doesn't do the trick, nothing will!! If it doesn't work, I would go ahead and regrout. I am dealing with the same issue...



answers from Dallas on

I recently tried Easy Off Bam. It does work quite well however it is very strong and you need to be in a well ventalated room when you use it and don't apply with out cleaning gloves. I applied the solution to the grout with an old toothbrush and let it sit for about 15 minutes and then I went back in a scrubbed the areas. I would say it got 90% of the stains clean...the others I am sure would have come off if I would have repeated the step again.



answers from Dallas on

I know what you mean. I was so frustrated with just certain spots that I called a company called the Grout Doctor. They came out to give me an estimate. They can't do just a couple of areas, they have to regrout the whole shower. I'm not sure why. They quoted my small shower $350. So... I went to Home Depot and quizzed some guy on how to regrout it myself. It is a nasty job, but it saved me $350 and my grout came out just fine.

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