Hi, In response to sign language w/children I personally experienced some wonderful knowledge about and with my (now 13 yo daughter). When she was 15 mos. she'd had a febral seizure - the one where her temp. gets to high and she just stops breathing and lays limp in your arms, yeah, that thing. Well I was in the process of potty training when this occured. DH and I called 911 and took her to the hosp. About 7 hrs. later she finally went to the "BIG" potty and did her business. I was teaching her simple signs (w/o any kits) and potty was one I encouraged her to use so to make training more fun! Well I had been told that Karate, music (not just Beethoven and Bach) and sign language would help in her self esteem, kinetics, learning abilities... Today she stills shows an interest in signing and for many years exceeded in her classes. Only until this pass year (7th gr) did she start to fall backwards only due to family isssues. She is a very heart warmed, caring, respectful and responsible person. She actually wants to attend a Tech. next fall to start her career! Don't give up on signing with your baby, it truly is a wonderful experience. Is the kit called "Baby Signs"? Their o.k., best bet, go to library and see if they have either of the following books : My first sign language book, "American Sign Language", this book is definately bigger, more complex. And a person is never to young to learn anything. No, I'm not deaf or have any hearing concerns. I went to school for a little while with a girl who was deaf and met some people along the way. Their life is completely different than ours. Keep in touch! P.