You first need to understand that you are an amazing woman and mother! I am a single mother of three; 13 yr old boy and 9 yr old twins. I was married for 12 yrs when my oldest son told me that his Dad had a girlfriend. Needless to say its hard to hear that your husband has a girlfriend but then to be clued in by your oldest old son is a tough one. I realized after some time on my own and focusing on my kids that I had to find me again. I had been so wrapped up in taking care of everyone else that I seemed to lose me along the way. I ended up running into my high school crush when I was out with some friends and we've been together ever since. Its been over a year now and my kids truely love him though my oldest son has given me a hard time when he gets mad at me. He tends to throw stuff in my face that he thinks will hurt when he is mad at me or frustrated...I have informed my son though that he needs to understand that he is the child and Im the adult. Im not asking permission...and he needed to understand that he will respect me and that was the end of it. Your daughter needs to respect you, your relationship as well as the man you are dating regardless of what her opinion is of it. Her behavior can weigh on your relationship if she doesnt stop. You are more than just a person...you are one that deserves a companion because before you were your daughter's mother, you were a woman that deserves a good life. Your daughter is being selfish and immature and at this time you need to think of yourself. You have lived your life for the past 15 yrs soley for her....now its time for you!!! Good luck with this....I wish you the best!